The Time Machine By Wells. What You Think Happened to the Time Traveler ?


There Are Always new Things to Learn.
Jun 29, 2014
At the end, he gets back in his time machine leaves, destination and fate unknown. Where do you think he went ? And , if you were in his situation , where you had journeyed . Would you have gone to the past or future ?

If it were me, I would have gone back into that bleak future to try to save Weena and if at all possible, the Eloi . Im thinking that maybe that's course action the Time Travel might have taken.

Thoughts ?
Well, I did have high hopes for this topic.:)
All he had to do was go forward in time to just before Weena began drowning; no need then to have to rescue her.

As to what happened to the traveller - perhaps he went even further into the future than he had before; but too far, so he died and couldn't return.
Well if you want to know officially what happens, Stephen Baxter's The Time Ships from 1995 is the authorised sequel to the Time Machine. The Wells estate approved the book to mark the centenary of the original book.
All he had to do was go forward in time to just before Weena began drowning; no need then to have to rescue her.

As to what happened to the traveller - perhaps he went even further into the future than he had before; but too far, so he died and couldn't return.

In the 1960 film George Pal made a number of changes , The traveler George too three books from his bookcase went back to find Weena . And of those bak which Philby and the maid pondered the mystery of which books . Pal gave story hope , something it needed . I liked what Pal did and, I think Wells probably would have approved too.:)
He had already gone so far forward that the sun was dying, as was the last crab on the beach.

I always figured that later, he had gone too far back. Either got et by a T Rex or just crashed into the Big Bang, or something. Or got bonked on the head and lost The Handle.

"Old Charlie lost The Handle and the train it won't stop going, no way to slow down..."
All he had to do was go forward in time to just before Weena began drowning; no need then to have to rescue her.

As to what happened to the traveller - perhaps he went even further into the future than he had before; but too far, so he died and couldn't return.
That is what my SF friends and myself thought as well in our youth.
He went so far forward that when the Time Machine finally broke/stopped working, it was an ancient antique and couldn't be fixed. And there were no other time travelers as Time Travel was obsolete. And being of a lesser intelligence to the future us, was trapped there. Maybe as a slave?
He had already gone so far forward that the sun was dying, as was the last crab on the beach.

I always figured that later, he had gone too far back. Either got et by a T Rex or just crashed into the Big Bang, or something. Or got bonked on the head and lost The Handle.

"Old Charlie lost The Handle and the train it won't stop going, no way to slow down..."

Or he made the mistake of stopping off in the Middle Ages
He had already gone so far forward that the sun was dying, as was the last crab on the beach.

I always figured that later, he had gone too far back. Either got et by a T Rex or just crashed into the Big Bang, or something. Or got bonked on the head and lost The Handle.

"Old Charlie lost The Handle and the train it won't stop going, no way to slow down..."

I always found that journey to the end of the solar to be vert chilling stuff. William Hope Hodgson managed to match that vision in The House On the Borderland in which the narrator/ main character witnessed to the end of the Solar system.
Based on the 60s movie, I thought he went back to Weena's time with the printed books as a source of practical knowledge and to teach them how to read again. While traveling through time his comments were seemingly anti war but took to fighting for Weena's and the Eloi's survival quite well, throwing pacifism and caution out the window, indicating he was going to lead them back to a "normal life" style instead of being a herd of thoughtless sheep grown for slaughter.

What else could he do never thought about that but now I could imagine him going back to the past and bring back enough parts to build a fleet of time machines to move the Eloi to another time or build a mobile time machine. He would probably get tired of dragging it around. Probably safer to move to the future so your past doesn't get changed.
He could back in time and got a job as a car hop at The Big Bang Burger Bar or he could gone forward again and , ended up a Waiter at The Restaurant at the End of the Universe So many possibilities with this one.:D
Well if you want to know officially what happens, Stephen Baxter's The Time Ships from 1995 is the authorised sequel to the Time Machine. The Wells estate approved the book to mark the centenary of the original book.
A book I bought with some trepidation that was quickly put to one side.

The trepidation that is, not the book...

Which is very good.
A book I bought with some trepidation that was quickly put to one side.

The trepidation that is, not the book...

Which is very good.
I too did enjoy the book.

No spoilers, but I think it's okay to say it expands the 'physics' of the original novel.
Its been so long since I read it. But didn't he move the time machine again before leaving? From the garden back into the conservatory? That would imply some kind of rescue mission.
Its been so long since I read it. But didn't he move the time machine again before leaving? From the garden back into the conservatory? That would imply some kind of rescue mission.

It's been a while since ive read the book so, im not sure:unsure: but in the 1960 film , he did move the machine.:)

I would have gone back to tried to save Weena. Or in the case of the film , be with her again.
1978, for the hairstyles

The 1979 Time after Time where Jack the Ripper steals the time machine and goes to 1979 San Francisco followed by our intrepid hero was a better film. Starry Malcom McDowell!

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As he chases Jack the Ripper who borrowed his Time Machine and find he likes the 20 century because he fits in so well. Awesome cast ! A great and underrated film ! :cool:

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