The Burning Girls (Netflix)

paranoid marvin

Run VT Erroll!
Mar 9, 2007
This is a very good series. Reminiscent of the BBC's spooky thrillers of the 1980s an early '90s (which is high praise), although not as good as series from the 60s and 70s.

It's a British folk horror tv series; a cross between The Wicker Man, Robin Redbreast (watch it if you haven't already) and Children of the Stones. This kind of thing does not come along very often; especially these days.

Of course with it being modern, it does rely more on visual rather than psychological scares. But despite this, it is still well worth watching.
Thanks for the tip. I hadn't noticed this.

Would be great to hear your thoughts on it. Three episodes in, and I'm still undecided as to whether it's 'great' or just 'good'. It was totally unecessary to have the 'reveal' of the girls in the first episode. There should have been some psychological build up of drama, and no reveal until at least the end of the sevond episode. But I suppose that modern audiences demand the instant gratification; and if they don't get it in epidode 1, they'll simply switch over to some other show that does. Which is a great shame, and a damining indictment of modern tv.
It was one of those series where I'd already read the book, this killed any 'reveal' for me and I lost interest in the TV episodes about halfway through episode 3

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