Let's say we have a fairly standard pseudo-medieval world, say around the early 14th century Western Europe in style and apperance, social norms, religion and technology like horse and carts, swords and armour, ale brewing, medicine and so on. The main difference of course is magic being used so much in so many ways that no one sees the point in trying to make any new technology as you can simply use a magic spell to heat water or cook food or simply use the old fashioned methods of campfires and fireplaces inside the home or blacksmiths and so on.
Assuming magic never goes away, is never banned, people are always able to access it, what would such a society look like by the time they've reached the equivalent time of the Renaissance or the Industrial Revolution? Would their timeline have versions of the Victorians and Georgians in the same time period as the real world and would theirs be anything like ours were? What would their society look like around the 1960's, especially around the space race that was going on in real life?
Assuming magic never goes away, is never banned, people are always able to access it, what would such a society look like by the time they've reached the equivalent time of the Renaissance or the Industrial Revolution? Would their timeline have versions of the Victorians and Georgians in the same time period as the real world and would theirs be anything like ours were? What would their society look like around the 1960's, especially around the space race that was going on in real life?