Look up -jungle warfare boobytraps (including spring traps (bent poles with spikes), drop traps (heavy items fall) and concealed spikes); poisonous plants/fungus, frogs, and toxins-. Stick to primitive methods which endure in harsh environments. E.g., botulism spores in thorns. Once in the body and away from oxygen the spores release toxin.
Jungles are a big place which heal quickly. So those setting traps need to tempt victims to follow particular routes and keep them clear (people and animals tend to take the path of least resistance). The smart ones parallel those paths. So set traps to the sides as well as on the trail (or even make the trail traps obvious, intending victims to flank the path for the real traps). Once near the trap, the victim's senses must be diverted from it; e.g., if something draws your gaze up like a cluster of brightly colored feathers or cloth, look down.
Also remember, if you kill a victim that is one less person who can fight. If you wound a victim or make them ill, that is 2 or more out of action since others must help the first. So, if say it is a group of ten, get four severely ill or injured and you have stopped the entire group.