I need help finding this book.


New Member
Dec 16, 2024
Fantasy/Dark Fantasy book with, among other things, the Wild Hunt

Hello all

I am searching for a book I read quite a few years back, arround 8 years or so. I remember a few details, unfortunately only a few of them are major ones:

  1. One of the main characters is a boy ( if I remember correctly around 16 years old). I forgot if he knows it from the beginning of the book, of if it is revealed later on, but by the end he and the audience know that he is some kind of ghost.
  2. The big driver behind the plot is the Wild Hunt, which the boy assumes leadership of at the end of the book
  3. Another main character is a woman who has been cursed by a demon of craving/desire to hunger after corpse flesh. I also remember that there is actually a species/human variant that lives under grave yards because they eat corpes as well, and she gets her supply from them.
  4. I am very sure that there is a third major character. I have absolutely no memories about anything about them.
  5. The general setting of the book was quite dark, although it is a high fantasy book (I'd say. Could also be that it is full dark fantasy).
  6. I might be misremembering this one, but I think at one point one of the MCs visits a roadside tavern for ghosts.
Edit: The world is a completely new one, and on the technological level of mid dark ages europe.

I read the Book in german, found it in a library in Basel. I am pretty sure however that german is not the language the book was published in originally.

I have no Idea how old the book is. Howver judging by (as best as i remember them) general themes and how stuff was presented, it was probably written between 1990 and 2010.

That is all I remember about the book. If it isn't enough to find the book, I understand. Would still be really greatful if someone knew this book. It is the first one of a series (can't remember how many books though), which I wanted to read but never got the chance to, and now I forgot how the first book was called. I have tried googling the book with these plot points, have tried asking on reddit about it and tried the different book finders that exist online, but none helped.
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I don't recognise it myself, but I wouldn't mind checking it out myself if it gets identified. There are several lists of "wild hunt" books on Goodreads, eg:

Have you checked these to see if you recognise the title?

And I assume the story is not set in a version of our world, but in a fully invented one? Can you remember any details about the wild hunt specifically?
I don't recognise it myself, but I wouldn't mind checking it out myself if it gets identified. There are several lists of "wild hunt" books on Goodreads, eg:

Have you checked these to see if you recognise the title?

And I assume the story is not set in a version of our world, but in a fully invented one? Can you remember any details about the wild hunt specifically?
Yes, the world is a completely new one. The wild hunt was more of a plot driver than a central element, but the main thing they were mentioned for was raiding villages. If I remember correctly, the only time any mainn characters interact with the Wild hunt was during the concluion of the book.
