Danny McG
"He has a wife, you know"
I'm currently reading The Annihilation Score by Charles Stross and it mentions some other book, anyone know?
"As I climb the steps and present my ID to the policemen on duty, all I can think of is a silly book that Bob told me he was reading a couple of years ago, by some dead famous author, who came up with a clever neologism, what was it… an out of concept problem? No: an out of context problem.
Something which organizations or cultures encounter in very much the same way that a sentence encounters a full stop."
"As I climb the steps and present my ID to the policemen on duty, all I can think of is a silly book that Bob told me he was reading a couple of years ago, by some dead famous author, who came up with a clever neologism, what was it… an out of concept problem? No: an out of context problem.
Something which organizations or cultures encounter in very much the same way that a sentence encounters a full stop."