I didn't realise that the semicircular canals still know that you are spinning and you can get motion sickness.
The aliens in my WiPs use ships with rings that are, in most cases, no less than 400 metres** in diameter and, for civilian use, usually much larger. Note that: 1) the whole ship rotates; 2) such ships are usually much longer than (7-8 times) their diameters.
My aliens are not just prone to motion sickness; they're none too happy about high accelerations, so it's just as well that their means of interstellar travel depends more on reducing the effective distances between star systems than it does on increasing the speeds (and their associated accelerations) of their spacecraft.
A very long time ago, I did the calculations*** to find out how fast the rings could rotate without producing significant motion sickness problems, but can't find the spreadsheet that contains the numbers (assuming that I didn't work it out on paper). However, I think it was 27 or 28 seconds per revolution... which, happily, matches the 27.1 seconds per revolution that I set in the PowerPoint animation in the series of slides and presentations that contain ship designs
** - The metre is not a unit that the aliens themselves use.
*** - I think it was based on something I read, a long time ago, on Wikipedia about rotation-based artificial gravity. The appropriate section of the current article is