AWOO: The Association of Werewolves and Oppressed Otherlings - Serialized on Substack!


A sinister writer.
Aug 8, 2013
Tulsa, Oklahoma
After dozens of rejections from literary agents last year, I have decided to serially publish my debut novel on Substack. New chapters will be released weekly (for now).

It's a weird tale of werewolves, vampires, aliens, and shoggoths (among other things), so if you like urban fantasy, horror, or sci-fi, you might dig it. There's also some queer paranormal romance (which, thanks to some good advice earlier today on this very site, will be decidedly PG-13, or 15+ for you Brits).

Chapter one is out now.

Share and enjoy!

Write Sinister on Substack
Hey, bro, I identify! Just joined here; I'm a writer and life-long scifi addict and would love to read your book. I also suffered a year of agent rejection and now I'm ready to say screw the establishment. Time to self-publish on KDP for me.

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