Story about alien species living at the end of the universe


Active Member
Apr 15, 2008
I ran across an unanswered question about a story identification on StackExchange last year which has baffled me ever since I read it, as I could remember reading the story, but I couldn't remember anything about it apart from the basic outline. So I have posted here in the hope someone on this forum can identify it.

The story was about an alien race which discovers a wormhole network which it uses to explore the universe. However, every world they travel to turns out to be completely dead, all life having gone extinct billions of years ago, and some have incredibly ancient ruins so old that no technology is remotely salvageable and our protagonists can only guess at what kind of beings built them. They eventually realize that the universe was once full of life and civilizations, but that they are living close to the end of the universe, and they are the very last intelligent species, and their homeworld is the last habitable world.

The original poster mentioned that the story might have been from the late 1970s/early 1980s, but no later than 1984.
The only thing that springs to mind but doesn't quite fit the bill is Michael Morrcock's "Dancers at the End of Time" which involves the last people on earth living like gods in a decadent lifestyle
Sounds close to the Heechee stories & novels by Frederick Pohl, except for the end of the universe bit.
