Tie Breaker Poll February / March 100 Word Anonymous Challenge 2025

Tie Breaker Poll February / March 100 Word Anonymous Challenge 2025

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Easily amused
Staff member
Feb 21, 2006
Ontario, Canada
We have a 3 way tie.
You'll have 3 days to cast your vote. The Poll will close at midnight (GMT) on Saturday March the 15th.


The three stories in contention are:

Captain's Last Log
This is Captain Latimer of the starship Potemkin. There's something onboard that is replacing my men. Some kind of creature that can look and sound like anyone it consumes. I've not been able to analyze it, but it seems to be a hive mind. But I have a plan...I will set this whole thing ablaze. It's only proper that a captain should go down with his ship. I am the only one left alive, but that will change soon. As far as I know, the creature--Disregard my previous words. We're alright and will arrive on Earth very soon.


Henry Campbell ruined my life. He ran every relationship I ever had into the ground. He stole from my loved ones. He poisoned me with dark thoughts and his ignoble intentions. He's a cheat, a criminal, a phony. We've argued and fought many times, neither one gaining the upper hand. I denounced him, yet he keeps coming back, again, and again, and again. Sometimes I wish I could kill Henry Campbell. He is undeserving of this world, of his life. I'll never be able to rid myself of him. He is omnipresent in my life. For I am he himself.

The Press Conference

Standing at the lectern, Prime Minister Punctilius Snickerbutt carefully studied his speech notes:

  • Smile

He smiled.

  • Look the audience in the eye

He directed his gaze at the reporters sat before him.

  • Clear your throat

He coughed lightly.

  • Stick your tongue out

Without thinking (thought not being a strong point of Snickerbutt) he stuck his tongue out, prompting sniggers from those present. What was going on here he wondered. And where the heck was his actual speech? Turning the page, he noted the final bullet point.

  • Don't sleep with your speechwriter's wife
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