The Cat
May I ask, just what is Book Excess? I'm sure I could find out by reading the history, but at 124 pages of history, I figure asking is the easiest way to go.
It's a remainder book store here in Kuala Lumpur. It's the very first such in the country actually. We do have second hand bookstores and a great many rental book stores. This is the first remainder store and they get all their books from Australia.
It's shaken up the book trade here some because until now a few distributors had exclusive rights and book prices were soaring. They were a little shaken by the entry of Borders and Kinokuniya but BookExcess has really thrown a spanner in the works.
It's round the corner from my home and run by a couple who really believe in books being affordable. They may not have a huge variety and there's no guarantee of what you will find but that's a small price to pay in the end.