favorite ship or ships


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2005
I don't remember seeing this thread anywhere, so if I missed it, sorry. What ships throughout science fiction history do you consider the best?
For me, it has to be the shadow vessels from Babylon 5. Followed closely by the vessels I created for my science fiction series. I hope that is not too arrogant of me. Your turn...
The Shadow vessels in Babylong 5 were indeed brilliant - a superb use of imagery and design. :)

However, it has to be said that the various craft of the original Star Wars trilogy were also very imaginative - and distinctive. Who could forget the X-wings and TIE fighters, let along the odd asymmetrical shape of the Millenium Falcon, the steely sleek Star Destroyers, the Death Star...
The Omega Destroyer from B5--who can't love a huge metal brick with all the manouevrability of a cast iron bath tub filled with water? :D

Failing that, the shadow vessels look cool--the Vorlons just don't look good enough...
Anyone read any Iain M. Banks Culture novels? his ships are pretty cool in that they have a sentient A.I. computer controlling all aspects of the ship, called a Mind
The Windship Perigrin from Cecila Dart-Thornton's The Bitterbynde Trilogy
A1ien said:
Anyone read any Iain M. Banks Culture novels? his ships are pretty cool in that they have a sentient A.I. computer controlling all aspects of the ship, called a Mind
Absolutely:D Sleeper Service was the best. I won't type its more commonly used name;) And what great names they had!!
The ship that Padme uses to go to that volcanic planet towards the end of Revenge of the Sith(Star Wars III). The SS Voyager wasn't too bad looking either!
caladanbrood said:
Absolutely:D Sleeper Service was the best. I won't type its more commonly used name;) And what great names they had!!

Iv only read Player of Games so far. But it was so fantastic. And yes I loved the names!
this is a very tough one because i have so many

star wars - all imperial ships except the tie cyclone (cant stand that ship)
star trek - for power borg tactical fusion cubes, for looks negh'var class and for both the scimitar.
anime - spikes ship from cowboy bebop
I'm going to have to do what Eradius did and pick from various sci-fi stories.
Star Trek - For some reason I've always loved the Ambassador Class. I know it's not as sleek as the Galaxy or Sovereign, but it's just a good Starfleet workhorse. My favorite Alien ship is the Dauntless, which appeared in a Voyager episode masquerading as a Starfleet ship. Just cool technology and appearance.

Star Wars:
Fighter: B-Wing
Cruiser: Imperial Star Destroyer
Scout Class: Slave 1

I like the Andromeda.

From Sci-Fi computer games:
The Independence War corvette
Freespace/Freespace 2:
Destroyer: The Lucifer
Corvette: Vasudan Sobek
Cruiser: Vasudan Mentu
Fighter: Terran Myrmidon

Starcraft: Protoss Carrier

Okay, books:
Douglas Adams: The Starship Titanic
Asimov: The Far Star
Clarke: Rama
Star wars- gotta be the x-wing that the rebels use.
Star trek- the defiant out of DS9- the first starfleet ship with a cloak! Or the Jem'hadar ships
Actual sailing ship- I agree with nixie on this one, it's gotta be Paragon from the liveship traders
Hard to pick, but the Falcon, TIE Intercepters, Snow Speeders and B-Wing Fighters are definitely up there.
I'm also thinking of the ship from Farscape, can't remember the name now, that is a living being itself. Great concept.
I would either pick the tie intercepter or starbug! For the simple reasons that the intercepter has shields and looks really cool, the starbug, looks like wont fly and therefore is very funny to watch.
Azash said:
intercepter has shields

what star wars did you see?

the tie interceptor has no shields or Hyperdrive, the only tie interceptor you ever see with shields and hyperdrive is in the book Wraith Squadron, where admiral Apwar Trigit’s personal escape craft (interceptor) has been fitted with them, at the cost of its Maneuverability and speed.
I dont know the bloody names, I know one of them does.it looks like this
