Questions for George R R Martin

Brian G Turner

Fantasist & Futurist
Staff member
Nov 23, 2002
Just spoke to George R R Martin and he's happy to arrange a telephone interview - not sure yet whether it will be during his current tour of the UK or whether he'll be too pushed for time until the October tour, but I figure I'd open up this thread for questions people would like me to ask him. away. :)
Just to reinforce this - I've been amazingly fortunate enough to be one of 9 people to take part in an hour long discussion with George R R Martin (yes, I know! How unbelieveable is that?)
Can you please post any questions you'd like me to ask by 3pm tomorrow (it is currently 5:20 here). I will check them before I go into it :)
Here are a few I'd be interested in asking him...

1. How has the story/series evolved from your origonal plotline? Could you let us in on a which (if any) elements have been added in?

2. How do you deal with the writing if/when you get to a 'sticky' bit that slows you down?

3. There is a song about the seven gods, but only six are mentioned. Is there a verse that is missing/cut out?

4. There seems to be an awful lot of suffering in these books (especially the female characters, who get treated pretty brutally). Should we expect the next books to get lighter or darker?

6. How important is your fans opinion of the books to you? Would you ever consider making a change for the readers?
Duff_Omathum said:
3. There is a song about the seven gods, but only six are mentioned. Is there a verse that is missing/cut out?

I think I can answer this one,
The Stranger is the seventh and is never spoken of or mentioned in song.
I think thats correct - mother, father, warrior, smith, maiden, crone, and stranger. Seven altogether....
Trey's right, the seventh is just never mentioned...

I got to go to a two day event where he was GoH a couple of years ago and there were some really good discussions, although I have to admit I was extremely embarrased when one of the organisers of the event asked him 'do you think it's plagiarism to get your ideas from history books'...:D

The only question I wanted to ask at the time was who was his favourite character to write, and I got my answer (Tyrion 'cos he has the most fun)...But...

1. Do you know what will happen in Westeros in the next books, have a definite ending in mind for it, or are you now letting the story evolve as you write?

2. You're pretty active on the Internet forums and discussions f your work, albeit sometimes as a 'lurker'...Have you ever changed something you'd planned to write because a fan's theory got too close to the mark, in order to keep the element of surprise?
And one from my husband who can't be bothered to log in :D

J. K. Rowling has said she 'had no idea Harry Potter was fantasy' when she wrote the first books...What do you think of this, as well as Terry Pratchett's comment about this?
This is why I asked the question...

Trey Greyjoy said:
I think I can answer this one,
The Stranger is the seventh and is never spoken of or mentioned in song.
I think thats correct - mother, father, warrior, smith, maiden, crone, and stranger. Seven altogether....

Why is the stranger never mentioned? We don't know (yet)

You can always ask him his thoughts on the R+L=J theory, although I'm sure he'll artfully dodge it. :) But hey, maybe you'll catch him napping. Or you can use the same line of questioning that the Red Viper used on the Mountain, which was quite effective. Of course, the Mountain killed the Red Viper before he answered the questions, so your call....

Seriously, though -

I'm interested in whether he's given any thought to potential novels/stories after ASOIAF. I realize he's got a long way to go yet, but is there any tickle of new ideas in the back of his brain?
red_temple said:

You can always ask him his thoughts on the R+L=J theory, although I'm sure he'll artfully dodge it. :) But hey, maybe you'll catch him napping.

It's been tried, and you won't catch him napping...He'll just smile and say 'Keep reading my books as they come out' :D
I have another question for Mr. Martin -

If he could bring one of the characters that died in his novels to life for the sole purpose of hanging out with him/her for a day, who would it be and why?
I'll try and put down what I remember (and had time to scribble down) when I spoke to GRRM. Unfortunately red_temple, by the time I saw your questions, I was back home!

Duff's questions:
1 + 6) As they were related, I asked this as 1 question. He was a little cagey about it, but he pointed to the planned '5 year gap' between ASoS & AFFC (books 3 & 4 for the layman! ;) ) as an example of where fan's opinions - as well as his own efforts, pushed him into changing his storyline slightly. He made the point that his overall story hasn't changed but certainly elements of the sideline stories have become more fleshed out than he'd originally intended. Thats about as much as he went into on that one.

2) GRRM writes each person's POV story in isolation and then weaves/edits them into 1 piece. So if he gets stuck on, say an Arya chapter, he changes to writing Tyrion stuff and then goes back later.

3) Sorry - got a bit sidelined on this question and digressed to Magic & Gods in Westeros. More about that later.

4) On this one, he said that a lot of the male characters got it pretty rough too - Robb losing his dad, thinking he'd lost his brothers + Arya and then dying. But he said that at least in the short term, it's going to get darker.

Ladyfel's questions:
1) Pretty much covered above, but basically he knows how he'll play out the main story, but the smaller stories/characters are a bit more than he'd originally envisaged.

2) He says he's stopped doing this for that reason! Well not really, but he doesn't change storylines because people have guessed where its going. He just hopes his work doesn't get that predictable!

We chatted about lots of other stuff - his work on Beauty & the Beast, Wildcards series and other stuff, but feel free to PM me if you wanna hear about that. I'll just tell you some of the answers I got to my questions on ASoIF.

Q: Magic has steadily increased throughout your novels from pretty much non-existant in book 1 to rising prevalence by book 3. Will this trend continue in future books?
A: "That's a fairly safe assumption, yes".
Good news for you magic fans out there :) I briefly discussed the role of Gods in the magic of Westeros. R'hllor etc. He has ruled out any appearances of 'demigods' or direct involvement from the Gods in Westeros though.

Q: Will there be life after "A Song of Ice & Fire"? In other words we will see any more stories set in Westeros?
A: Yes. He's already working on another Dunk & Egg story and plans to continue to putting these out whilst writing his new ASoIF books. Interestingly one of his fans (not GRRM himself) pointed out that he'd mentioned to GRRM that as Dunk ends up as Lord Commander of the Kingsguard and each short story so far has been 'a step up' (Hedge Knight, Sworn Sword etc) will he continue making the title of each story another 'level'. Apparently he's considering it, but hasn't decided yet.
To continue in the same view he has comprehensively ruled out ever doing a 'prequel' novel on Robert's Rebellion. Some ideas he has for future Westeros stories are (and again I stress he has not confirmed yet that he will do these) a novel on Aegon IV "The UnWorthy" from his POV and also a story set in Bravos (sp?) and the free cities - possibly some kind of murder mystery type thing.

For potential future topics, GRRM is quite keen on doing a novel set in a Roman-era fantasy world.

Phew - I think that's pretty much all I can remember! Hope that's been helpful. :)
I'll make you a deal, I, Brian: I'll fly all over the world and talk with GRRM to my heart's content, and you pay for it. I know, it sounds too good to be true. :)
Well, he should be doing the playing around the world bit this autumn, so hopefully you'll catch him then. :)

Don't forget to ask more questions, though - I'm due to do an interview with him in September, so there's a couple of weeks left to get some more questions in. Personally, I'm planning to ask about historical influences, interests, and Rome especially, but I figure we should throw in some ASoFaI ones in as well. ;)
AryaUnderfoot said:
I'll make you a deal, I, Brian: I'll fly all over the world and talk with GRRM to my heart's content, and you pay for it. I know, it sounds too good to be true. :)

The Worldcon is in Anahiem, CA next year so you'll get your chance ;)
Not to mention he'll no doubt be doing some book signings in Nov in CA as well.
Just keep your eyes open :)
I would like to ask Mr Martin if he has plans to start a different fantasy project?

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