Best spaceship?

Brian G Turner

Fantasist & Futurist
Staff member
Nov 23, 2002
Go on, then - which were the best spaceships in all the years of TV and film that we've seen so far?

I'm going to use my first vote for the Imperial Destroyers from Star Wars - simply because it had the greatest presence of all of them.

Opening scene of the original Star Wars...cinematic moment.

No one looked at the Tardis and pooped themselves. People did with the Imperial Destroyer.

I've always been fond of the mothership in "Close Encounters of the Third Kind", even though we never really see anything but the outside of it. Even in the director's cut that added some interior shots, Spielberg doesn't really show us anything. Maybe it is the specatuclar entrance it makes that makes me like it so much; I don't know.

I also like the Millenium Falcon, because it seems so utilitarian. It's a real working ship, not some sort of show piece.
I'm a big Millenium Falcon fan - mostly because it seems like a real ship. It has your everyday problems just like any car we might have, Han talks to her just like we would talk to our just seems more real to me.
The Space ship in The Day the Earth Stood Still....I was very young and impressionable and the saucer fascinated me...
Imperial Shuttle - from Return of the Jedi (love how those wings go up when it lands)
No contest. The Liberator -Blake's 7 (even if it was a cardboard cutout)
It would seem that most people are nominating ships from TV shows or Movies, all of which I must admit are very good nominations. I have to nominate The Heart of Gold with the Infinite Improbabillity Drive, from Hitch Hikers guide to the galaxy. I mean it was such a cool ship. I wish I could have one, but the probabillity of that happening is probablly about 936482018326487193854027378364918749 to 1. That of course is just a guess.

Love the Heart of Gold. The best part are the doors..."Glad to be of service". I say this all the time when going through an automatic door, smiling to myself and freaking out anyone nearby...
The ship from Red Dwarf.... I just love that show. And the ship has enough food and fuel and all that for (what did they say?) something like 30,000 years.
"Well now" my favourite space ship is "THE LIBERATOR", from "BLAKE'S SEVEN" - but, considering it's one of my all time favourite SF shows, then I would say that, wouldn't I! A close second comes the original "ENTERPRISE" from the original Star Trek series!
How about a cross between the Millenium Falcon and the Liberator? Then you'd get a really cool looking ship that, ok, broke down a lot, but would then fix itself, tell you when it's done and still brake the light speed barrier to get you home in time for tea!:confused:
Not to give away my age ;-), but the Avalon book "Across Time", by David Grinnell,

had the best ship, Ultimate Cruiser 12-12-12, and it's incredible abilities

A great book, btw...

Another BTW... Does anyone know where I can find a list [and maybe a synopsis] of the early Avalon SF books??
I want to find the name and author of a few I confused over the years.

For my personal vessel it would have to be the Millenium Falcon.

For a Space Yacht - A Klingon Bird of Prey.

I really want to have my very own Galaxy Class Starship. I do find the Sovereign class starships like the current Enterprise a bit too big. The current Excalibur, a souped up version of the Galaxy will be the one for me....:D

Take one of these into the mirror, mirror universe and see what about the Shadow vessels from Babylon 5? Actually scary looking ships. :)

Loved the TIE fighters in Star Wars as well - a very original shape.

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