Time to bring this subject up more fully. 
Never bothered much with Marvel - and only toyed with basic DC for a short while, before discovering the Vertigo mature series lines.
Some amazing writers in there - Alan Moore, Neil Gaiman, Grant Morrison, and Jamie Delano, to name a few names.
I collected most of the original Sandman Series, along with most of Grant Morrison's writing of Doom Patrol. I didn;t start proper with Hellblazer until around issue 20 - but it is a matter of great pride that I do have issues 1 and 2 of it.
(None of you have ever heard of it, have you?
Anyway, I did miss out on the original issues of the later classic graphic novels - Frank Miller's "Dark Knight Returns", and, of course, the inimitable "Watchmen" series by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons. My second pride is having a Watchmen T-Shirt somewhere, showing the main characters lined up - too precious to wear more than once (besides, it shrunk in the wash!!).
Anyway, comics...
Never bothered much with Marvel - and only toyed with basic DC for a short while, before discovering the Vertigo mature series lines.
Some amazing writers in there - Alan Moore, Neil Gaiman, Grant Morrison, and Jamie Delano, to name a few names.
I collected most of the original Sandman Series, along with most of Grant Morrison's writing of Doom Patrol. I didn;t start proper with Hellblazer until around issue 20 - but it is a matter of great pride that I do have issues 1 and 2 of it.
Anyway, I did miss out on the original issues of the later classic graphic novels - Frank Miller's "Dark Knight Returns", and, of course, the inimitable "Watchmen" series by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons. My second pride is having a Watchmen T-Shirt somewhere, showing the main characters lined up - too precious to wear more than once (besides, it shrunk in the wash!!).
Anyway, comics...