A source for reviews of YA SF and Fantasy?

Teresa Edgerton

Goblin Princess
Staff member
Nov 1, 2004
A friend of a friend wants to know if there is a source for reviews of YA science fiction and fantasy, "so that parents can have a quick summary of the plot and an alert about any questionable material in the book."

I thought of you, Alia, as someone who might know, but if anyone else here can help, please feel free to share. (Keeping in mind that the parents in question live in the US and would therefore be interested in books that are available here.)
Not of one source specifically for young adult titles but bookbrowse.com has a strong section on YA titles as the person who runs the site has children herself and uses their thoughts and feelings as well.
Thanks, Mark. I'll take a look and see how many titles published in the US they feature.
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Thanks for posting these links, found them really useful :D
Slightly off topic, well, really a lot.

Just to say I'm new.

I'll listen lots before posting:)
Welcome to the Chronicles, Dee_hee. Please feel free to post in any discussion that interests you, start your own thread in the introductions forum, or just quietly ease your way in -- whatever feels comfortable.
Thanks for the welcome.

Looks like I'll have to find a great icon pic for my posts

Some great ones here:)

Is there a feature that tells me when there is a reply in a thread?
I believe there is a way to subscribe to a thread so that you get a notification whenever someone posts in it, but I don't know how you would go about it since I've never done it.

A lot of us just hit New Posts (near the top of the page) every so often -- when we log in, and if we're reading and posting for a while we might hit it again a few times before we go -- to see which threads have new posts since we last checked. That way, you can see if anyone has posted in any threads you've been following (if you know who was the last post before), as well as get an idea of which other threads are active currently, in case you might decide to be interested in them.

If you visit often, the list of New Posts is short and you can give it the once over pretty quickly; if you stay away for a day or two it can run to three or four pages.

I've found it.

On Thread Tools, you click and find a way to subscribe to individual thread.

Hey, how clever is that;)
So many great sites I never knew. but i think cool kids has closed shop.

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