The Azurerealm


Active Member
Dec 24, 2002
The Shwa, in Canada, eh
Okay, i'm sorry already Brian, but i have to.

Warning! Shameless self-promotion ahead!
being an aspiring writer myself, i also have a website. there it is. It has my stories on it so far but i know its kinda bland. After midterm exams are over, myself and the webmaster are revamping the site, trying to draw in more fans and such. Please take a look. I'm going to bump this thread back up in a week or so to let everyone know the update is done.
No problem - at all - after all, you are a knight! :)

Besides, we're all small writers trying to move into bigger things...I'm happy to support other writers in whatever way I can.

I've been thinking of starting a writing board. Not so much for critiques, as much as general issues, resources, links, info, etc. I've already got a thread full of links on the Chronicles board, regarding writing/submission issues. Thinking of posting some good resource links soon.
Yup - I did create that board!

Fellow writers are welcome to promo their personal sites here.

Speaking of which, here's a little bump for this thread...
Hmm . . . so far I've got one little page for my web site (and only one link). If you've got anything more than that, you might be well on your way. Incidentally, anyone have ideas how I might improve my site?
Thanks Brian--you're pretty fast. My site is

I'm starting to add links to sites I've visited (Kilroy--added yours--do you mind?) and I plan to add some of my fiction too (following examples). I am quite shamless, I guess, because I started the site to sell my self-published book.:rolleyes:

I'll keep adding links, but from now on I guess I should ask first.

Thanks again!
Kilroy, if you ever come around again, I've read the first part of Primus. Splendid! I plan to read on . . .