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Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2005
If the series was ever to be adapted (doubt it but anyway), what actors would you choose for which characters?
I thought Monica Belluci would be good for Lanfear and Christina Ricci for Cyndane. Kate Beckinsdale might do well as Elayne and the actress on Alias who plays Nadia could play Faile.
Belluci for Lanfear?!I don't know....I would rather choose Kate Blanshet [I don't know if I spelled it corectly]for the Lanfear part.She's got a more of darkness in herself...if you've seen her movies you would know what I mean.
I'd cast all child actors, because by the time the series was done being filmed, they'd all have aged into senior citizens.
Which is why you obtain a freakishly large budget and film all the movies at once!
It just wouldn't have the same appeal. Think of a TV miniseries - they do one episode a week, and it goes on for ten years. Each series could be one book. I can just imagine the fans complaining about how much was left out in the films (even if there were 10 three hour long films).
Arnie as Lan, I'd like to see that. Cate Blanchett? I could imagine her. I was thinking Perrin could be played by the guy who plays Clarke Kent in Smallville.