just got the book

I am sure you will enjoy the series. Becareful reading some of the post, some people discuss what has gone on and I would hate for you find out somethings and ruin the experience. Enjoy the your read.
Enjoy the series. It is very moving. You will feel yourself drifting into the characthers, changing you opinion about them. A well written story.
Lucky bugger!
I read AGoT when it first came out and had to agonisingly wait each time for the next enstalment! :)

Hope to see you about the discussion threads a bit later then, gill. There's a few "book specific" ones knocking about in the GRRM section, so feel free to put forth your two cents in those.
gill said:
the game of thrones is amazing :p nearly finished the first one its amazing, grr martin is one of the best writers i've read. going to go get the next one this week mayb. dont spoil anything about the book past the treason part with ned
Which treason part are you referring to? The part where Ned commits treason by ordering honeywine from Pentos instead of the Arbor or the part where Ned commits treason by wearing lederhosen during the Council meeting? Oh, and did you get to the part where the Greatjon retires to pursue a lifelong dream of being a male cheerleader? But the part that blew my mind is when Dany wakes up and realizes that it's all just a dream and that he is being sent to the Wall for unlicensced public ballet dancing!
Winters_Sorrow said:
Lucky bugger!
I read AGoT when it first came out and had to agonisingly wait each time for the next enstalment! :)

Hope to see you about the discussion threads a bit later then, gill. There's a few "book specific" ones knocking about in the GRRM section, so feel free to put forth your two cents in those.

Hehe! Poor winters. I only "discovered" them in early 2003, so I’ve only had to wait for AFFC. (But to be fair, at the time I was happily expecting it to meet the, then, September 2003 release date that Amazon and places listed. Oh, how naive I was. ;) ) I much prefer it when I discover a series that's nearly finished, as 1) I don't have to wait years and years for it to end and 2) It's still not quite done so I get to enjoy posting absurd theories about it on places like this. I think that's the main reason I’m still enjoying the WOT (/me cringes from AU's murderous stare. :eek: ), as I only started reading just before the 10th book COT came out and read them all in about 2 weeks, so I didn't suffer from the disappointment long-time fans did of 4 + books (4,5,6,7... + YEARS!) where bugger all plot advancement occurs.
I have had to wait for everyone since A Game of Thrones. Sigh. Of course there is nothing like reading a book that feels rushed to completion.
Ooh, Gill...someone else who reads the Eragon books. I do love those, although I note the last one wasn't as strong as the second. Still, I'm waiting for the finale....

Ah, all the worlds a critic....
I've been waiting 60 years for the sequel to Lord of the Rings...
I've only read the first Eragon book. I suppose I ought to follow through with the rest of the series while I wait for ADWD. That may help to pass the time. That or open up War and Peace again and give it a serious try this time.
Yeah, I bought the first Eragon book, but didn't find it as strong as a lot of other stuff I have read. I know the guy was young when he wrote it, but for me it was filled with a few too many cliche's.
And now you're saying the second one wasn't as strong as the first ... nah, I think I'll give that series a miss
It wasn't that bad, really. And it's a hallmark of my interest than I ran to B&N and bought it the first day it was out. I find so little fantasy these days that is worth the read. I totally got turned on to GRRM as an accident - just at the mall at lunch one day, looking for a new series, and the clerk at the store recommended it to me. So I've switched from scifi/fantasy to espoinage and crime novels, while working my way backwards through the classics.
Well I'm sure that if you hang around this site long enough, you'll hear of more good fantasy/sci fi series (and books in every other genre too!) than you could ever hope to get through.
Just go to a "what should I read?" thread and read some of the recommendations ...
gill said:
the game of thrones is amazing :p nearly finished the first one its amazing, grr martin is one of the best writers i've read. going to go get the next one this week mayb. dont spoil anything about the book past the treason part with ned

Congrads on finding one of the best series out there. GRRM is a great author as well. Enjoy the books.
Blackfish, the problem is that I read about five books a week....and that means that I've read most of the stuff out there, or at least decided it was of no interest. Even the junk - all the Mercedes Lackey books, all the Marion Zimmer Bradley anthologies (and her originals, which were mostly good), all the Anne McCaffrey, the David Eddings (god forbid we have to wade through thirteen books before we get to the end), Robert Jordan, Niel Gaimann (sp?), Tolkien, the first four of the Dune books (the fourth one was CRAP),Mervyn Peake, Tolkien, and have even moved onto vampire porn for lack of anything more stimulating (no pun intended). I actually couldn't tell you what I've read and what I haven't read unless the book is in my hands.

Although a number of folks who post here are European, and I find you get a vastly different selection of books than we do here. Email me if you have any recommendations?
Don't think so...who wrote them?

Also, for those interested, the Bernard Cornwell books about Arthur are quite good. In fact, all of his are quite good!

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