Blackfish, the problem is that I read about five books a week....and that means that I've read most of the stuff out there, or at least decided it was of no interest. Even the junk - all the Mercedes Lackey books, all the Marion Zimmer Bradley anthologies (and her originals, which were mostly good), all the Anne McCaffrey, the David Eddings (god forbid we have to wade through thirteen books before we get to the end), Robert Jordan, Niel Gaimann (sp?), Tolkien, the first four of the Dune books (the fourth one was CRAP),Mervyn Peake, Tolkien, and have even moved onto vampire porn for lack of anything more stimulating (no pun intended). I actually couldn't tell you what I've read and what I haven't read unless the book is in my hands.
Although a number of folks who post here are European, and I find you get a vastly different selection of books than we do here. Email me if you have any recommendations?