Young at Heart
I'm taking this from Kate's forum, with permisson of from the gentleman who asked the question, Mac Is Back. I found it intrigueing and makes me wonder who Alain really is. (I'm starting to sound like a broken record ~ sorry) I'm interested on what others think too.
This is from Mac Is Back...
This is from Mac Is Back...
What Powers does Alain Have? Or maybe I should ask what powers does Alain not have?
He has so far mainfested the ability to heal, he seems to now have the powers of any creature in nature which he has encountered. Oh since he has encountered a dragon, does that mean he has the ability of dragons[whatever they might be]? As long as dragons are considered God's creatures then Alain has a rapport.
Alain has been armed with great power, but who does he fight? obviously the Ashioi, and Sanglant, and
The "Empress" with her Aostoan husband are going to do battle. Does Alain fit into this Battle Royale? I think he fights on a different level. He has identified The Lady of Battles as an enemy. But how will he do battle with her?