This appears to be a very ancient alphabet, either Hebrew (posibly dubiously) or Phoenician. what do you gusy think? If it was Hebrew, would it not be a different type of language to Phoenician, which I was aware was the ancestor of Greek and Latin and therefore our own langauges, and Hebrew is a semitic language, a different type if language? So I wonder why they are so similar here that there is confusion as to which one it is?
This appears to be a very ancient alphabet, either Hebrew (posibly dubiously) or Phoenician. what do you gusy think? If it was Hebrew, would it not be a different type of language to Phoenician, which I was aware was the ancestor of Greek and Latin and therefore our own langauges, and Hebrew is a semitic language, a different type if language? So I wonder why they are so similar here that there is confusion as to which one it is?