We regularly receive in the mail a catalog featuring beautiful replicas of items from the Peter Jackson LOTR movies. Some of the items have an undoubted appeal, and if I had tons of disposable income I'd probably buy about half of them. But because they are so expensive I have to content myself with just looking at the pictures.
Yet there exists a group of items that continues to puzzle my husband and I, Tolkien fans though we are.
This would be replicas of the One Ring, in both gold and silver versions. As the symbol of ultimate evil, and considering all the grief it brings on poor Frodo to carry it, we just don't understand the appeal of owning and/or wearing a reproduction of that particular artifact.
The crown of Aragorn, sure. The phial of Galadriel, yes. Gimli's axe ... well, er, maybe. But the One Ring?
So I'm curious what the rest of you think. Would you, if you had the money to spend freely, buy a replica of the Ring? Would you actually wear it?
Yet there exists a group of items that continues to puzzle my husband and I, Tolkien fans though we are.
This would be replicas of the One Ring, in both gold and silver versions. As the symbol of ultimate evil, and considering all the grief it brings on poor Frodo to carry it, we just don't understand the appeal of owning and/or wearing a reproduction of that particular artifact.
The crown of Aragorn, sure. The phial of Galadriel, yes. Gimli's axe ... well, er, maybe. But the One Ring?
So I'm curious what the rest of you think. Would you, if you had the money to spend freely, buy a replica of the Ring? Would you actually wear it?