Possible endings to the MBoF series....

Rahl Windsong

Last of the Windsong Clan
Mar 15, 2005
Squamish, BC, Canada
How about this....

Icarium is given Rakes Sword in the hopes he can destroy it. He gives it to the grounds of the Azath where it is broken. Then something is released that that is even worse, FAR WORSE, then even Icarium's rage and the world is then sundered beyond all possiblity of any salvation! :eek: :D

It's fun to speculate but quite frankly whatever we guess I bet it'll be far off the mark knowing how unpredictable Erikson's plots can be.


It will, I imagine, be quite deeply involved with Dragnipur and the gate to chaos catching up with the wagon that Draconus and that are dragging. The most obvious ending being that the Crippled God will be enchained to drag the wagon. That'd keep it safe for a very very long time, I would imagine.

Hope that won't happen though. And like precious said, I'm sure Erikson won't go down a route that we can predict ;)

I'm trying to avoid thinking that it might actually "end" though. Too depressing;)
Really I was just kind of making a joke about my prediction for the ending. I too will be satisfied and at the same time very sad when I read the last line in this amazing story. Satisfied because I will have completed the journey and sad because that journey was/is so thought provoking and wonderous that each time I think about it I come to realize new aspects that I never even considered before.

Then again I will have all the books till the day I die so I can start the journey again as many times as my lifespan allows me, thinking about that reassures me that the sadness will be short.

Rahl Windsong said:
Really I was just kind of making a joke about my prediction for the ending. I too will be satisfied and at the same time very sad when I read the last line in this amazing story. Satisfied because I will have completed the journey and sad because that journey was/is so thought provoking and wonderous that each time I think about it I come to realize new aspects that I never even considered before.

Then again I will have all the books till the day I die so I can start the journey again as many times as my lifespan allows me, thinking about that reassures me that the sadness will be short.

Well he does plan to write other stuff after this series, so don't despair too much plus there's the novellas he' already put out surrounding Malazan you can still check out....:D
He's referring to Erikson's co-collaborator in construction of the Malazan world, namely Ian Cameron Esslemont, more commonly referred to as I.C. Esselmont (ICE).

He's working on release of 5 novellas surrounding the malazan world, the first being Knight Of Knives published last year.

If you all look at your copies of Gardens Of The Moon, you should see the following dedication prior to the beginning of the book.

Make sense now?...:D

This novel is dedicated to
I.C. Esslemont
worlds to conquer worlds to share
Don't underestimate ICE's in put into the series:
We have been told that Kruppe comes entirely from you. Are there any characters which come entirely from ICE?

Hmm, is this an issue of interest? Let's see. I could be wrong here and there. Cam was Whiskeyjack, Hedge, Trotts, Coll, Murillio, Turban Orr, Simtal, Vorcan, Draconus, Osserc, the Emperor, Dassem Ultor, Rhulad, Fear, Trull (different names for those three), Envy, Baruk, the Seguleh, Kallor, Prince K'azz, Cowl, all of the Crimson Guard with exceptions noted below, Leoman of the Flails, possibly Kalam, the Crippled God, the Queen of Dreams (second time round), and a number of others whom none of you have met yet.

From the latest interview - all of those characters are ICE's. Erikson may be the more skillful writer, but ICE has certainly come up with a lot in terms of the world and the characters. Now, on to finding an affordable copy of Night of Knives ...
Brys said:
From the latest interview - all of those characters are ICE's. Erikson may be the more skillful writer, but ICE has certainly come up with a lot in terms of the world and the characters. Now, on to finding an affordable copy of Night of Knives ...
That's a good point you make there. I don't now how he compares to Erikson, I'm yet to see a copy of Knight Of Knives myself, I think Cal's read it though...
It's not bad... it's definitely Malazan, but it's also definitely a first novel. Personally I thought one of the main characters was pretty dull, but I think I'm in the minority there. I think ICE will get better, but not surprisingly Erikson is still the master, as Brys says.

I bought the cheaper version (£35) and thought it was well worth it, even though it is a very short book.
Yeah, I read it. Yeah, its good. No, it's not as good as Erikson...


No, it's not worth 35 quid, so I got it off AmazonUK second hand for 15:D
The Tiste andii wipe out the Edur with the help of the loisan the andii return to the dark, the liosan return to the light.

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