Another Tim Powers interview


Super Moderator
Jun 30, 2003
Central California
I just stumbled over an interesting interview with Tim Powers, from September of last year. It is interesting in that it particularly looks at his work from the point of view of his religion - he is a practicing Catholic. Despite that, and depsite the fact that some of his work (Declare, some of his short stories) seems to have a definite Catholic cast to it, he talks about how much of a mistake he feels it is for any writer to deliberately include religious or any other themes - I'd call them hobby horses, personally - into their fiction.

Anyway, it appears in what looks to be a Catholic online magazine, IgnatiusInsight. If you'd like to read the whole interview, you can find it at
Interesting interview. I don't quite agree with him about the Tarot cards, but I really liked this line:

The main point of fantasy should be (it seems to me) to excite the numinous, vertiginous effects of real supernatural events actually occurring.

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