Since the equation is going to involve the original height of the satelite (is its original orbit a geostationary (um, planetostationary? Oh, what the, I'll use the terms for Earth), LEO, or, following your "steadily" comment, in a stable LaGrange type or trojan orbit? Circular or elliptical, and if elliptical, how much divergence from the circular. What is the effective depth of the atmosphere (the real depth is of course infinite, there being no surface to an atmosphere; it just dwindles away.)
Effectively, any satelite is losing energy all the time due to electromagnetic and tidal forces- but if it holds in place for a couple of hundred tousand years, we consider it stable.
If you tried to write an equation taking all these factors into consideration, inluding the vector of the force and the point in the orbit at which it was applied, your equation would run to several pages- essentially, if the orbit's high enough, you need an enormous force, and even then the probability is that it'll go into a more extreme ellipse with only the very closest bits giving atmospheric braking, while a low orbit a tiny wobble will build up rapidly to disaster. It's not a straightforward "frictional braking is proportional to the density of the medium through which you are passing, the square of the velocity and the solid angle subtended by the relevand body" type calculation.