Joined up maps


Krank und Müde!
Staff member
Jul 29, 2005
Is there a general map of all the areas in the series, showing the relationship between Genabackis, Malazan City, etc?
Here - I think that's what you're looking for, a world map of the Malazan world.

This is what Erikson said about the map above:
I perused the map and am quite impressed. It's pretty damned close. The continents are pretty much all the right place; the shape of a few are of course different but that's because they've not been visited in any of the novels. Korelri and Stratem are larger, for example; as is Assail. Genabackis needs to be angled slightly further south and up a notch or two in overall size. Lether is also larger (especially to the south of the empire proper, and Kolanse is also bigger. For all that, an exceptional bit of detective work: congrats to Adam!
Thanks for the link's great to be able to see where the maps at the front of each book are, in relation to each other.
I'll let you link to the encylopedia, Rane.
I found this over at the Malazan Empire forums....take a look its a Malaz map! You will have to scroll down to about page 15 or more to find a workable link of the map but some of the discussion in this thread are somewhat interesting. Keep going in that thread until you see Wertheads version of the map its pretty good really...

OOPs I see Byrs already beat me to the punch! :D

Cheers all :D

After reading The Bonehunters and SE's comments I've been pondering doing another version of the map, but it's a difficult job making the continents bigger on such a limited space (drawing a globe on a flat plane results in serious distortions in size), so I've left it as it is for now since it seems to be broadly accurate.
In the ideal universe we'd have a super-detailed map overlayed on a GoogleEarth-like programme which you could spin round and zoom in and out to a ridiculous degree. But that would take too long and possibly be going a bit OTT.
I thought the maps at the front of the Bonehunters were very good...

The one of Malaz City could do with a few more areas named though if possible....

I like to be able to 'see' where the action is taking place....
Rahl - thats what the maps in the front of each book are for, but they don't show the relationship of each of the continents to each other, which is what this map if good for.

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