Amazon Review

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I apologise for any inapropriate comments, they were not meant seriously.

hodor - I don't know the link, got it off another forum, though I imagine if you went to amazon, and looked at the reviews of his books, you might find it;):p
I object to Lacedaemonian's earlier comment about the supposed author of this fictional review probably being a fundamentalist Christian. I am a fundamentalist Christian, and I read and greatly enjoyed A Game of Thrones. I must admit that I didn't really notice much graphic violence, but it may be that I have become desensitized to it after reading Temple of the Winds by Terry Goodkind. As for the sex and rape, well, that seems to be commonplace in most modern fantasy series, and it didn't really bother me. Anyway - excellent book, **** review, whoever wrote it. vbmenu_register("postmenu_52455", true);
I agree with the violence and the sex and rape stuff. The story itself was into my head way to much. Also, my mind doesn't work to pick things like this out of a book and analyse them; that's just too wierd to think about. It's a story after all. I just read the story and either like it or don't like it. I personally loved Martin's books.
I think this thread has pretty much wound its course - someone is disatisfied enough with GRRM to write a fairly damning review and either post it on Amazon, or pass it off as having been posted on Amazon. GRRM's fans are naturally hurt and incensed, think the review is 'fictional' (an odd claim to make since the entire text of the review is actually posted here for all to read), throw various aspersions around, some of which are hurtful to other posters, those who are more neutral on GRRM feel the review has a point or two, but is way OTT, those who hate him will continue to do so. 'Nuff said. Now locking this thread.
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