A fair bit of discussion lately on near-forgotten masters of SF, and Simak's name has come up a fair bit. Partly for that reason I just started Cemetery World by Clifford D. Simak. I'm reminded how well he writes. Its been a while since I read much except for a few (very good) short stories in the last couple of years, but his prose is clear as a bell, and his ideas are excellent. He really paints a vivid picture. Of course, he was Asimov's favourite SF writer, and Asimov made it his aim to write simply and clearly based in part on his admiration of Simak's style. I read a few Simak books many moons ago, and I neither own the books nor remember the stories at all well, so I think I must now go on a Clifford D. Simak acquisition bender through Abebooks and Ebay. Perhaps I should do a short (4 or 5 book) Simak reading challenge, a la Extollager's ongoing Asimov reader.