anne mccaffrey

  1. Talysia

    Best moment in an Anne McCaffrey novel

    I started a thread like this for a different author, so I thought I'd try one here, too. What do you think are the best moments in an Anne McCaffrey novel? In my opinion, my favourite bit by far has to be at the end of DragonQuest, when Brekke calls for F'Nor and Canth during their ill-fated...
  2. Talysia

    Which book would make the best film?

    This was inspired by the 'Dragon Riders' thread, but I thought it might be worth asking anyway. Which one of the Pern books would make the best film? I think that Dragonflight would be the best choice, as it explains the situation perfectly, but I've heard some say that Dragonsdawn would be a...
  3. Raven Dane

    Dragon riders

    I have been an Anne MacCaffery fan since a young girl. The Ship Who Sang was the first book that moved me to tears. So am I the only one to feel uncomfortable about all the hype over the film of Eragorn? Anne created a world where humans rode fire breathing dragons long before this book was...
  4. F

    Green mothers

    When did green dragons stop mating? The books aren't by any means chronological, especially with the introduction of between times, but I clearly read one book saying that greens are made barren by brimstone while many others having greens with mating flights, including some during Thread...
  5. Reiver

    A place in my heart!

    The first ever fantasy book I read was Dragonsong when I was 12 (won't say how long ago that was!) and since then I've been hooked on reading fantasy! So, Anne McCaffrey will always have a fond place in my heart - not to mention the fact that she's a damn good writer! The Pern books will always...
  6. Cheryl

    The McCaffrey Quest Trivia Challenge!

    McCaffrey Quest is an annual trivia challenge sponsored by the Meeting of Minds discussion forum, and this year's challenge is fast approaching! MQ2006 will be held on the 5th weekend in October, aka Nov 3rd-6th (it's generally an October event, it just so happens the 5th weekend falls in...
  7. Roheryn

    Dragon's Fire

    Has anyone read the newest Pern book? I just finished it today, and I absolutely LOVED it! It was really great, and parts of it seem really familiar... I believe this is one of the other stories from another angle... at least in part...
  8. Cheryl

    It's official! Pern movie deal with Copperheart Ent. announced!

    As was announced to a private audience at Anne's recent 80th birthday party, there is a movie deal between Anne and Copperheart Entertainment to produce a Pern movie. They've optioned the whole series (which is typical, you never option one book of series), and plan to start with Dragonflight...
  9. Cheryl

    Pern movie rumors & concept art

    Rumors of a new Pern movie deal have been flaring up recently. And the concept art posted here seems to lend credence to them.
  10. N

    searching for a pern book

    Hi there everyone, I am new to this forum, but I was hoping one of you could help me find a particular book from the Pern series. I have read the books in more or less "time-correct" order, and in the latest book that i am reading, "All the Weyrs of Pern" the one with the AIVIS, there are...
  11. G

    Book Covers!!!

    I don't know about every one elas but, I think the covers to Anne's books look much better in the USA. (Which is where I'm from originally....put away the pitch forks pleassseeee) Does anyone find themselves drawn to the artwork on the covers? Like when Michael Whelan did some of the covers to...
  12. G

    Missing Books?

    I thought that I had everything Anne had written...BOY was I wrong! I've only had my computer for over a month and instantly fell in love...I've seen quit a few books on ebay (which I've got) some on Amazon but I'm afraid I'm a bit picky when it comes to second hand books. I like mine to be new...
  13. G

    Crystal Singer and Anne's acting and singing career...

    I read some where, (can't remember where) that the series Crystal Singer was a brain wave of Annes due to something happening in her singing career. Has anyone elas heard this too?
  14. G

    The Catteni Sequence

    I liked this series...anyone out there think the same? Please give me your views...thanks!
  15. G

    Combined forces of Anne and Todd

    Hello, I am new to the ways of the Forum and hope that I don't offend anyone by the weilding powers of my keyboard.....just kidding. I have read Dragon's Kin and Dragons Blood and was wondering what other readers have thought about the books. Likes...dislikes that sort of thing. I am at present...
  16. Cheryl

    Anne to be inducted in the Science Fiction Hall of Fame!

    Anne McCaffrey will be one of four inductees this year to the Science Fiction Hall of Fame, along with Frank Herbert, George Lucas, and Frank Kelly Freas. The induction will take place on June 17, 2006 at the Science Fiction Museum in Seattle, WA, USA. Tickets for the induction ceremony and...
  17. elvet


    Has anyone read this? Is it as good as the rest of the earlier stories?
  18. R

    A New Book

    To be on the shelves in 2006 is "Changelings" book 1 of a series co-written by Anne McCaffrey and Elizabeth Ann Scarborough. Is Ms Scarborough as good an author as Anne? If so, I guess it will have to go on the 'to buy' list...:)
  19. Cheryl

    McCaffrey Quest

    Some friends and I are holding a trivia contest for fans of Anne McCaffrey on October 8-9th. Quite a few nice prizes are to be won! For details please visit
  20. Princess Ivy


    managed to find my own copy of the ship who sang, yesterday, and rearead it last night. one thing struck me as very obvious, although probably not a new thought, the novel seems to have very little cohesion, rather more a collection of short stories with a common theme, and i've got most of the...