david eddings

  1. R

    Rediscovering the books after 20+ years

    I cant believe it but it must be almost 25 years since I was introduced to the Belgariad at university. Everyone was reading it and it did not take long for me to pick up the bug. Possibly his later series are better but I still have a fond spot for a series that was part of university days...
  2. D

    Questions unanswered in the books

    Why, if Pol is the prefix for a woman sorcerer and disciple, and Bel for a male, is Polgara's sister named Beldaran? Will Ce-nedra live forever, because she doesn't seem to be tied to a particular tree? Do grolim priests who can use the will and the word live forever also? Why is there the...
  3. Ronsworth

    New to Eddings?

    I don't know about anyone else but I am. I found "Pawn of Prophecy" at my work (I work at a book/music/movie store) and I was intrigued by the cover. As I always seem to be lol. I bought it and was in love from beginning to end! This was just last week and I blew through the book. I now have the...
  4. A

    David Eddings; good storyteller, bad author [spoilers]

    I've reread all of his fantasy books several times. They are pretty good. But he often takes the easy way out. Example: In the Malloreon, using a character to decide what happens. Boring and annoying. Many of his characters are too powerful. e.g. those creater beings in the dreamers. can't...
  5. J

    (Probably Found) Please, this book I read years ago is killing me - I can't remember the title!!

    i think the author was a female.i didn't even finish it so i only remember the beginning. this boy or young man wants to be an apprentice wizard and stays ages outside the wizards tower which has no entrances. in the end he starts and the wizard who is part of a larger group of wizards is trying...
  6. Zombie

    Eddings Art

    Hey, this (Campfire stories by *JessKat83 on deviantART) was recently done for me by an artist on DeviantArt. I requested Tynian and Ulath sitting around a campfire telling their stories - and me thrown in because that would be an awesome way to pass an evening, seeing who can spin the biggest...
  7. S

    Order of Reading issue

    Hi guys n galz. I, like you all, am a big fan of David Eddings work. I read some of his stuff when I was much younger and I really want to read them all again from start to finish. Which brings me to an age old question regarding his books. Belgarath The Sorcerer..... This is the prequel to...
  8. Ian The Poet

    I am about to embark on reading Eddings The Dreamers Series.

    I have read David Eddings Belgariad series sometime ago and enjoyed very much. Now I am going to embark soon on the The Dreamers series, which has now reached four books, are there going to be any more? Please don't post spoilers as I start on this series, thankyou Ian.
  9. O

    Will Garion/Belgarion outlive Ce'nedra?

    Baisicly, I've always wondered about this and now I've joined sffChronicles i thought id ask. Because Garion can use the will and the word, will he live longer than the avarage person?? And if so what about Ce'nedra?? She cant use the will and the word, all she can really do is use her...
  10. R

    Rank of those with "Talent"

    Not sure if there's another thread on this, my apologies if there is. Just curious how the rest of you might rank those with "Talent" in the Belgariad/Mallorean series. I haven't really solidified any sort of list myself. I know each of them has different abilities that the others don't...
  11. kirgi08


    What book/s are on your nitestand right now? Weyrs of Pern is on mine.'08.
  12. H

    Would you recommend David Eddings?

    Hi guys new to the forums here and just want some opinions from fellow fantasy readers. I am a huge fan of science fantasy having read the works of Terry Brooks, Raymond E Feist, Robert Jordan, Robin Hobb and David Gemmell to name afew. I have always steered clear of David Eddings, i can't...
  13. Ian Whates

    David Eddings passes away

    I've just heard that fantasy author David Eddings passed away last night (June 2nd) at the age of 77. I haven't read anything by him in several years but greatly enjoyed his earlier work. Another sad loss. :(
  14. L

    How long have you loved Eddings?

    I thought it would be interesting to ask everyone why they started reading Eddings in the first place, how old they were, etc. I first read the Belgariad when I was seven. I pinched the books off my auntie because she kept saying how good they were :) I'd read them by torchlight when I was...
  15. L

    Schools in Belgar-earth?

    Greetings everyone, I was recently inspired to try some "just for fun" fan writing. (By day, I write documents for the government. The plots are terribly dry, and in the end, the State always wins no matter how much of our money it spends.) After two dozen short stories and a few novellas...
  16. dreir

    Least favourite character..

    I'm curious as to who is your least favourite character by Eddings? And let's try to keep the bad guys out of this :p For me personally I'd have to say Stragen (in the Elenium/Tamuli). I'm not exactly sure why. He just never seems to fit, for some reason. - Dreir -
  17. D

    whatever happened to Beldin?

    I just read the belgariad and the mallorean through a second time, and at the end of The Seeress of Kell, Beldin and Vella turned into hawks and flew away, but there's this one sentence that they were "never again to return". but isnt beldin immortal? and vella mortal, so does that mean that...
  18. Pyan

    Trouble with passing time...

    I read The Belgariad years ago, and remember it as being a pretty average-to-good fantasy series....just picked up a 2-volume set of The Mallorean, and having a bit of trouble with it: specifically, the habit DE has of taking four pages to describe in detail (say) how the party set up camp for...
  19. white_wanderer

    Rank and Title in Elenium / Tamuli

    I was thinking the other day of all the knights that go off with sparhawk in search of a cure for the queen. These are all noblemen, but of what rank? In Domes of Fire, They are introduced to the Emperor and their titles given, but one is missing (sort of). The ranks, in order, are...
  20. G

    What is the name of this character?

    I haven't read these books for ages, but I have the urge to find the passages about this character/ remember his name. I believe he was first spotted with his donkey or horse by Belgarath and Garion as they were journeying somewhere (forest/mountainous setting). Belgarath signified that he'd met...