greg bear

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    Greg Bear??

    Does anyone else love Greg Bear's Books?? Infinity Concerto + Serpent Mage = SONGS OF EARTH AND POWER a brilliant omnibus book.... He also writes superb Sci-Fi Eon The Forge of God Eternity to name but a few... James
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    Greg Bear - songs of earth and power

    Greg Bear is one of my Favourite Sci - Fi writers and when i found that he had written a fantisy book i decided to give it a try. I thought it was a rather interesting take on the whole magic and elves thing but I'm not a big Fantisy fan so I'd like to hear some opinions on how it compares to...
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    Dinosaur Summer by Greg Bear

    The story is set in 1947, and revolves around a young schoolboy called Peter Belzoni… Peter lives with his photographer father Anthony, and they tend to travel around the US, wherever the jobs take him… So, Peter spends a lot of time reading and not making friends… Anthony gets a job for the...
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    Darwins Radio & Darwins Children...Greg Bear

    Darwins Radio is a novel about mankind's next evolutionary step and the prejudice and perils that this new species will encounter. I cannot praise this book enough for its thought provoking ideas and basing everything on known science fact. The sequel, Darwins Children is equally good and...