guy gavriel kay

  1. K

    The Sarantine Mosaic by Guy Gavriel Kay

    upon finishing this novel, i am simply awe-struck. I dont know where to begin. you see, when you read a masterpiece... there is never any debate in your mind subjectively and objectively about its worth. This novel reminded me about who i am, who i want to be and what i want from life. What...
  2. T

    The Last Light of the Sun - Part of a series?

    Just wondering if this book by Guy Gavriel Kay is a stand-alone book or is it part of a series? The site where I usually buy from over here in Korea lists it as "The Last Light of the Sun: Book One of the Northland Series". However, it's been 5 years since the book was published and I...
  3. Werthead

    The Lions of Al-Rassan by Guy Gavriel Kay

    Al-Rassan was the stronghold of the western Asharite faith until Ammar ibn Khairan killed the last khalif, splintering the land into feuding city-states. In the north the Jaddite kingdom of Esperana similarly splintered into three smaller nations, each harbouring a desire to conquer the others...
  4. K

    Just finished A Song for Arbonne by Guy Gavriel Kay

    Just finished this magnificent novel... my review?? lets just say that im just grateful that God gave us Guy Gavriel Kay...
  5. K

    Just Finished Tigana by Guy Gavriel Kay

    some books... simply just cant be reviewed... some books, u simply just have to beg people to read them. please read this novel. i feel like someone opened an umbrella in my chest... thats how much i have fallen in love with Guy Gavriel Kay. Guy Gavriel Kay, Kate Elliot and Robin Hobb once...
  6. Clansman

    YSABEL, by Guy Gavriel kay

    Review of Ysabel, Guy Gavriel Kay, Viking Press, 2007 What can I say about this book? If I see a new Kay book on the shelf at the bookstore, I buy it without hesitation, because I love everything that this author has done. Tigana was one of the most beautiful novels I have ever read...
  7. N

    Guy Gavriel Kay.

    Hey. I was just thinking that it would be cool to have a section for GGK under authors. I know alot of us have read his books, and I'm sure there's at least 5 threads about him here. Does anyone know how to go about getting a new author on there? Thanks in advance. Lena.
  8. N

    Guy Gavriel Kay.

    I had absolutely no idea where to put this, as his books are mostly Historical Fantasy, rather than fiction. I've scanned most of the boards on here, but haven't found anything on GGK, which completely astonishes me. Has anyone read his books? I would put him at the top of my list for Historical...
  9. R

    The Fionavar Tapestry by Guy Gavriel Kay

    I recently found The Fionavar Tapestry at my local bookstore and I bought it on the recommendation of a friend. This book seems to be the three books, The Summer Tree, The Wandering Tree, and The Darkest Road. My question is were these origianlly released as seperate novels and if that is the...
  10. elvet

    Guy Gavriel Kay

    Is there an order in which to read his books? I've read the Fionavar Tapestry and Last Light of the Sun. From the July thread there is mention that his books are connected - is it by the characters, the places, or the times?
  11. Jayaprakash Satyamurthy

    Guy Gavriel Kay on fantasy

    Here's a speech Kay gave on certain aspects of fantasy: This passage seems quite pertinent to me: One of the reasons I like fantastic fiction is because it transcends national and cultural boundaries, at its best. I recently had an otherwise...
  12. S

    Guy Gavriel Kay

    Anyone ever read him. Best Canadian Fanasy Author, though most of his books are kind of historical fiction with fantastical elements in it.
  13. C

    Kay, Guy Gavriel: Hmm....

    Hmm.... Didn't he write The Summer Tree and all of it's sequels/prequels? I didn't get to finish those books :( :rain: