joe abercrombie

  1. A

    The Heroes-Joe Abercrombie

    The Heroes Joe Abercrombie Orbit, Feb 7 2011, $24.99 ISBN 9780316044981 Union commander Lord Marshal Kroy knows his direct reporting officers are incompetent mostly political appointees who believe they will be the hero of the upcoming combat. None of these egomaniacs has any real combat...
  2. Brian G Turner

    Half the World - Joe Abercrombie

    Have started this now, and the first chapter is a wonderful example of using a sense of unfairness to make the reader root for a character - very clever. And very important from the start, as we're now following a main protagonist named Thorn - though Father Yarvi is still very much in the...
  3. Brian G Turner

    Joe Abercrombie books reading order

    Here's a guide to the reading order for Joe Abercrombie's books: Firstly, there are currently three distinct set of books: First Law trilogy: The Blade Itself (2006) Before they are Hanged (2007) The Last Argument of Kings (2008) First Law world standalone novels: Best Served Cold (2009) The...
  4. Brian G Turner

    Half a King - discussion

    Have started reading this, and loving Abercrombie's use of language and use of concepts. Truly, it's like reading a master at work. Only criticisms are that the plot mechanics look potentially obvious from the start, and whenever Yarvi speaks, I hear Hiccup from How to Train your Dragon. :)
  5. Brian G Turner

    Half a War cover reveal

    The cover for Joe Abercomrbie's Half a War, sequel to Half a King, is revealed. And what a nice job they've done with it, too:
  6. Nerds_feather

    Half a King Review

    Hey All, I know there are a lot of Joe Abercrombie fans here, so I thought I'd post a review of Half a King written by my co-nerd Jemmy. Suffice to say, he really likes the book. Here's a snippet:
  7. A

    Help (and some concerns) on identifying Joe Abercrombie's writing style

    Hey guys, newbie here. I have questions regarding Abercrombie's writing style. Take this excerpt for example: "She gave her horse the spurs, possibly flicking a few specks of mud over Aliz's white dress, covered the ground in no time and slid her mount into the knot of officers that was the...
  8. Brian G Turner

    Joe Abercrombie interviewed in Locus

    Excerpts posted online for an interview conducted with Joe Abercrombie: Locus Online Perspectives » Joe Abercrombie: Fiction on the Edge
  9. Brian G Turner

    Joe Abercrombie signing events

    Joe Abercrombie has announced a series of events for 2015, not least book signings to promote his new YA novel, Half a King. Some dates in the UK, but also some in the US: Half a King UK Events | Joe Abercrombie Half a King US Events | Joe Abercrombie UK EVENTS: Sunday 29th June 6.30pm –...
  10. Brian G Turner

    Abercrombie justifies writing YA

    Thought this was an interesting argument about the treatment of YA by Abercrombie: He Killed the Younglings! | Joe Abercrombie
  11. Werthead

    The Half a King Trilogy by Joe Abercrombie

    Book 1: Half a King
  12. Brian G Turner

    Half a King: sample chapter

    io9 has published the first chapter from Joe Abercrombie's YA novel, Half a King: An Exclusive First Look at Joe Abercrombie's Next Novel, Half a King You can also see the US cover - though no idea if it will be the same or different in the UK.
  13. biodroid

    First Law trilogy book summary?

    Does anyone know if there are any summaries on the First Law trilogy, specifically the first 2 books. I am reading Last Argument of Kings, and getting confused with one of the sections. I just want a recap so that I know whats happening. Thanks!
  14. Brian G Turner

    Don't buy this "Best Served Cold"!

    So I went to order Abercrombie's Best Served Cold from Amazon. However, upon searching on Amazon, I nearly became confused and bought this title instead! Best Served Cold: The Rise, Fall and Rise Again of Malcolm Walker - CEO of Iceland Foods I think Monza would be a great brand name for...
  15. Brian G Turner

    Half a King cover blurb

    Not seen this elsewhere, but just found it on his agent site: Joe Abercrombie | United Agents
  16. S

    Review: The Blade Itself by Joe Abercrombie

    22nd September 2013 12:02 PM Tim James I’m sure, in fact I know that this is a book that has received a lot of positive attention for all the right reasons, and I am equally aware that it is one that has been for quite along time. Just an indication of how long it takes me to get around to...
  17. S

    Review: Best Served Cold by Joe Abercrombie

    12th May 2012 12:44 AM Brian Turner Joe Abercrombie’s “Best Served Cold” is a standalone novel set in the same world established in his “First Law” trilogy. Therefore if you’ve read that, some of the references and characters may be familiar. If not, you’re in for a treat anyway. The...
  18. Brian G Turner

    Joe Abercrombie YA trilogy coming

    Joe Abercrombie's posted that he's about to publish a YA trilogy with HarperCollins, starting with a novel called Half a King, which he expects to see published in July 2014: Half a King | Joe Abercrombie By the sounds of it, it's not connected at all to the First Law world, though he's still...
  19. Brian G Turner

    First Law graphic novel review - issues 1

    "Best Served Cold" and "The Heroes" are two modern giants that declare Joe Abercrombie to be on one of the greatest modern writers of fantasy fiction. This leaves my memory of his "First Law" trilogy feeling like a long introduction, somewhat over-shadowed by his powerful standalone books. The...
  20. Brian G Turner

    Blade itself graphic novel in the works?

    See for yourself: