mercedes lackey

  1. A

    Elemental Magic: All-New Tales of the Elemental Masters

    Elemental Magic: All-New Tales of the Elemental Masters Mercedes Lackey Daw, Dec 4 2012, $7.99 ISBN: 9780756407872 This solid nineteen short story collection focuses on Mercedes Lackey’s historical Elemental Masters fantasy with all entries no later than 1919. In Oahu, “Makana” (by Fiona...
  2. A

    The Ship Who Searched-Anne McCaffrey and Mercedes Lackey

    The Ship Who Searched Anne McCaffrey and Mercedes Lackey Baen, Jan 1 2013, $14.00 ISBN: 9781451638738 Archaeologists Doctors Pota Andropolous-Cade and Braddon Maartens-Cade conduct an evaluation at a Salomon-Kildare site with no one else on the planet except their school aged daughter Hypatia...
  3. A

    Steadfast-Mercedes Lackey

    Steadfast Mercedes Lackey Daw, Jun 4 2013, $25.95 ISBN: 9780756408015 After the deaths of her parents, grieving Katie the acrobat felt paralyzed. Andy Ball, the Ball Circus owner where the Langford trio worked, told her to marry a strong man. So Katie married the strongman Dick. However, over...
  4. A

    Dragon’s Teeth-Mercedes Lackey

    Dragon’s Teeth Mercedes Lackey Baen, Dec 3 2013, $15.00 ISBN 9781451639438 This enjoyable collection showcases Mercedes Lackey short story skills as most of the compilation is entertaining especially the author’s various fantasy series. Part I contains reprints of previously published...
  5. A

    Revolution-Mercedes Lackey, Veronica Giguere, Martin Cody and Dennis Lee

    Revolution Mercedes Lackey, Veronica Giguere, Martin Cody and Dennis Lee Baen, Jan 7 2014, $25.00 ISBN 9781451639322 The meta-humans of Echo and CCCP managed to halt the blitzkrieg Invasion by the Nazis in spite of the seemingly superior ultra-powerful weaponry of the invaders. However, inside...
  6. Anthony G Williams

    The Witches of Karres, by James H Schmitz: The Wizard of Karres, by Lackey etc

    James H Schmitz is one of my favourite authors. Between the 1940s and the 1970s he wrote a large number of short stories and several, mostly short, novels. His fiction is characteristically light-hearted, fast-paced, amusing and entertaining. It straddles the SF/fantasy genres, can be equally...
  7. Overread

    Mercedes Lackey - who and where to start!

    Well I have come across this name more than a few times and started to investigate - seems that she writes fantasy - a lot of fantasy! Ratings of her appear to be in the middle a bit - some people either loving or hating her and some select works appear to be more popular than others. Anyone...
  8. M

    (Probably Found) Hello my name is Karen, and I hope someone can help me PLEASE?????

    Hello everyone I trying to find a book that I like from along time ago and yes!!! I've forgotten the Authors name much to my shame :( this book is about mind linked horses that when they "choose a human mate they bond for life" I know the main character is called Levin Stormfire and he has the...
  9. S

    (Found) Forgotten book (no title or author)

    I hope someone can help, I have been trying to find a book for ages (but cannot remember the title or author) and the longer it goes the more I forget. Here is what I remember. General: It was a fantasy book with the main characters being 'human' (i.e. not given a species designator), there...
  10. HappyHippo

    (Found) Two books. Fuzzy Details, sorry sorry sorry...

    I'm trying to track down two books, one or both of which are at least trilogies. I read them in the early 90's. Book one was about paired ?magic workers, ?guardians... they were paired for life and had either a unicorn or a pegasus. On the cover of the book were the two people, white equine...
  11. Adasunshine

    Mercedes Lackey

    Hi I've just started - and almost finished with - Joust by Mercedes Lackey. It's the first book of hers I've read and the main reason for me reading it is the beautiful dragons.... Anyway, I've seen her books quite a lot in the shops and my local library seems to have quite a few things by...
  12. dwndrgn

    (Found) Remembering title and author

    son of high magician for walled city finds three books of wild magic (sun, moon and stars?), disobeys father, exiled, chased by stone wolves, escapes with help of a unicorn...reunited with sister who practices wild magic to help others, she teaches him more about it, saves the world from the...
  13. A

    Lackey, Mercedes: Valdemar

    Valdemar Just wondering who'd read her Valdemar books? Specifically Brightly Burning since that's the one I've read most recently. :) ~ana~
  14. M

    Lackey, Mercedes: Suggestions on what to read?

    I have just started to read Mercedes Lackey. Any suggestions on what books to start on?
  15. L

    Lackey, Mercedes: Valdemar

    is my favorite Misty series... I just LOVE the Companions... although the Tayledras totally rock my world! :) Color me k'Sheyna... Wind to thy wings...