steven erikson

  1. A

    Forge of Darkness-Steven Erikson

    Forge of Darkness Steven Erikson Tor, Sep 18 2012, $27.99 ISBN: 9780765323569 In in Kurald Galain, the Tiste people look forward to the peace after a brutal war against the Forulkan and the Jheleck. However, the militia having no external hostilities to fight refuses to give up power earned...
  2. K

    A quick question...Gardens( One wee possible spoiler)

    If you haven't read to about 70% of the first book, which is unlikely if you're in this forum.... So I've got to just after the part where Rallick had his fight with Ocelot, and Murrilio hasn't heard from him in a while and presumes him dead, so he proceeds to go along with the plan to duel...
  3. Chris Guillory

    Favorite Character?

    Now, anybody familiar with this series would know this to be a very, very difficult question to answer. About half-way through Reaper's Gale, right now, I'd have to say Karsa Orlong. He's somehow simultaneously complex and simple at the same time. He's constantly underestimated by almost...
  4. sozme

    Talk to me about Malazan Book of the Fallen series

    The Malazan Book of the Fallen series by Steven Erikson. What are your general thoughts on this? As I head toward the end of the latest installation of ASOF&I series, I find myself interesting in reading more in the genre.
  5. N

    Help me read these books!

    I am looking for a new series after completing the wheel of time. I started gardens of the moon a couple months ago but after 150 pages put it down and I never do that. At the same time I have this feeling I I cool come to understand and get ino the books I would love them so I'm giving...
  6. Werthead

    The Kharkanas Trilogy by Steven Erikson

    The Kharkanas Trilogy Book 1: Forge of Darkness
  7. Lenny

    Steven Erikson on his new book, traditional trilogies, and appealing to new readers.

    Hopefully you'll read this, even if you're not an Erikson fan. In a post on (a well-written post, too - it's nice to see an author of massive tomes displaying his quality with a vastly smaller piece), Steven Erikson introduces his new trilogy and its first book, Forge of Darkness, and...
  8. N

    Steven Erikson vs Robert Jordan

    So I find myself in the possession of both these first books in a long serie: The Eye of the World by Robert jordan (Book One of the Wheel of Time) and Gardens of the Moon by Steven Erikson (Book One of A Tale of the Malazan Book of the Fallen) And I can't decide which serie to...
  9. T

    Who else has finished The Crippled God? - Probable Spoilers

    Finally finished it about 3am last night... and subsequently slept through my alarm this morning and was late for work, but boy was it worth it! I always knew that it was never going to wrap up all the loose ends - not unless it was twice as long - but overall I thought it was a fitting end to...
  10. Rane Longfox

    A guide to the books of Steven Erikson and Ian Cameron Esselmont.

    Advanced warning: These posts may contain very very generalised spoilers, such as the geographical and character focus of some of the books. They will not contain any specific spoilers though, such as which characters die, major events etc. Worry ye not! Now... I started writing this in...
  11. Ian Whates

    China Mieville, Steven Erikson, Peter F Hamilton, mass Signing Event in Cambridge

    Heffers Book Shop in Cambridge are organising a 'Mass Author' signing event for the evening of Wednesday 11th May, starting at 6.30 pm. The evening is still taking shape but it will feature some of the biggest names in genre fiction as well as several debut novelists and those in between (me...
  12. Werthead

    The Crippled God by Steven Erikson

    A hundred and fifty thousand years ago an innocent god was pulled out of his home realm and scattered across the world. His spirit was chained to prevent him from destroying the world in his insane rage. Since then, the world has known misery and fear as, every few millennia, the Crippled God...
  13. A

    Steven Erikson signing - Derby Waterstones

    Latest PR from our local branch of Waterstones... Thanks a lot Alex Hugely successful Canadian author Steven Erikson joins us in Derby to promote his latest book! You can meet Steven as he releases 'The Crippled God', the final book in the fantasy series 'Malazan Book of the Fallen'. Join...
  14. elvet

    Steven Erikson blog

    I'm not sure if fans are aware the Steven does have a blog. It speaks more about his journey as a writer than upcoming book details and the latest entry is particularly moving. Steven Erikson : Life As A Human
  15. TJR357

    Gardens of the Moon: Will I start to Understand It...

    Will I start to understand this confusing read if I continue to plough through it? I'm just a little under 25% finished (on my iPod touch). I just find that the story is all over and I'm having difficulty figuring out what the story is really about. I picked it up via a recommendation from a...
  16. Werthead

    Dust of Dreams by Steven Erikson

    A review of the penultimate book in The Malazan Book of the Fallen.
  17. Werthead

    Steven Erikson confirms 6 more Malazan novels after The Crippled God

    During his recent signing tour, Steven Erikson confirmed that he has signed up for 6 more Malazan novels for Bantam. They will not be direct continuations of the Malazan Book of the Fallen, but will be two somewhat self-contained trilogies, one of which will be the backstory of Anomander Rake...
  18. Lenny

    The Bonehunters

    My sixth thread, and a sixth helping of glowing praise - The Bonehunters displaced DHG as my favourite book, and for good reason too! Before I forget - the usual applies, please: no spoilers for the rest of the series (all one published books of it :rolleyes: ), and a warning to anyone who is...
  19. Lacedaemonian

    Steven Erikson is just a Glen Cook hack??

    Steven Erikson is just a Glen Cook hack?? Having just read the first three volumes of The Black Company series by Glen Cook I was left feeling shocked and disappointed. How could Erikson use so much of this work and not feel abject guilt? Do not get me wrong, there is almost enough original...
  20. E

    Steven Erikson, George R.R. Martin, Roger Zelazny

    Dabel Brothers would like to know which Print you'd like to Purchase. George R.R. Martin's Wild Cards: (Croyd Master) Steven Erikson's Malazan Book of the Fallen: (Whiskeyjack and...