The flash fiction story I sold earlier in the year has just been published.
FlashSpec Anthology - Volume Two
Now awaiting for the first reviews for the book to come in. Gulp!
I am at present 4/5ths done with the first draft of my latest effort. Unlike my other attempts I am using a real time and places as the backdrop for my story. Certain events did happen, certain places did and some still do exist. Other elements are totally fictional.
Out of this has come a...
Not sure if this is the place to put this, but this year is shaping up well with regards to my writing.
In January I sold a short story to Meadowhawk Press.
In March I sold a Flash fiction to EQ books for Flashspec Volume Two.
Just heard that
a; short story I had submitted for a Gothic...
Last year a flash fiction of mine was published in a small anthology.
So far two reviews of the book have come to my knowledge. Strange thing is one reviewer liked my story, the other didn't. Not much in the grand scheme of things, but interesting.
Reviews here;
flashspec_volume_1 [AS if!]...
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