How many pages do you read daily?


Active Member
Mar 9, 2006
I read 50-100 pages maximum every single day/night! Right now 50 because its a heavy and long book called "When the Devil Dances" (sience fiction).

How about you fellas out there?
Im not a fella, :D but I usually read about 5+ chapters daily so that will be well over 100 pages I guess but I have to admit to having the time to do this, I know not many people on here do.
The again I read several books at a time so I suppose it will be 5+ chapters for each book....;)
For me it is all relaive, either I read a whole book a day or just 10 pages, depending on how tired I am
I don't tend to read much per day on average (less than 50) and sometimes nothing at all depending on what else I've got lined up.
I read six books last week. This week not likely to finish even one.

So the answer is, very clearly, "It depends."

It depends on time. Job. Family. Other obligations. And so on. I've no idea what I average over the course of the long haul, though since I do track the books I read I suppose I'd be able to do a fairly accurate calculation based on last year's reading.
Im do try and read a few pages a day, possible about 50, more if possible. Depends on what else I have to do or how Im feeling.
It depends on how much time I have, how difficult the book is etc. At the moment I haven't had that much time, so it's been for the last couple of weeks 75-100 pages on average (about twice that at weekends), but when I've got plenty of free time, I can read up to 400 pages in a day (of the average novel with 350-400 words per page - can't do that with a Kafka novel!)
Like everyone else, the amount I manage to read depends on several factors. I would say that on average I read two to three chapters a day, so at a guess that is up to a hundred pages or more. I often read alot, lot more ~ hence being so, so flaming tired as I often don't go to slepp 'til about 2AM.
Depends on the book, and what day of the week we're talking about. I get more reading done during the weekdays, as I'm on a train for 25 minutes and the tube for 20 minutes twice each day, and then there's reading on the bus unless I run into a co-worker...

So anywhere from zero (today) to about 120?
It varies so widely that I couldn't even begin to guess. Also, a lot of my reading some days is on the internet (for work as well as for entertainment), in newspapers, and in magazines, so that it becomes difficult to judge what a "page" consists of.
I try to read at least 50 per day of whatever book im reading and sneak in as many newspapers in as I can on the sly while at work.
It varies a lot during the year. It can range from 50 to 200 pages a day, with 100 to 150 being typical.
I'd say I read about 40 pages daily, but I've been known to read over 500 a day when I want to.
I really couldn't tell you an average amount of pages.

Some days I don't read atall and others I finish entire books, so it varies, very much so.

I've never counted my reading in pages.

To say I read every day is like saying I breathe every day -- usually I start at breakfast and continue on and off until I go to bed ... I interrupt my reading to do do things like cooking, laundry, shopping ... Often I don't feel like watching TV or a movie, but I can always pick up a book ... OK, it's an addiction -- but a fairly harmless one! I average a book a day.

I've been awake for nine hours today and I've read two books [light books] so far. Might make it three, or might get to that job I'm putting off but can't put off much longer ... So tomorrow, probably only two or three chapters ...
it varys from book to book and what other pressures are on my time if I've a book I'm enjoying a lot and is not too heavy on a sunday I could read a full book or at least 150-200 pages other times I'll only read maybe 20 or so
What the ???

You "guys" must read a lot. I read from 0-50 pages a day. Sometimes a little more. It all depends on what I'm doing that day and what kind of mood I'm in. I've only read a book in one day once and that was when I was in high school and it was a Gor book.

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