Robert Jordan is ill

As of 25 June, he'd returned home and was feeling a lot better. He'd even recommenced working on the final Wheel of Time novel, although he's not up to a full schedule yet. A previous blog revealed that it's possible his condition wasn't as advanced as the doctors first thought so that, whilst still serious, his chances of lasting another decade or more are radically increased.

Also, this condition is one of the ones where new treatments are actually making headway and breakthroughs every two or three years, so RJ's future prospects actually look reasonably bright at the moment.
Thanks for the update Werthead. Im very happy he's making great progress health-wise.
Jordan is a fighter, you can tell that from his books, short stories, and mannerisms. Not to mention, he is one stubborn son of a gun--anyone whose read WOT knows that. I have utmost faith that he will live a lot longer than the docs and statistics predict, and that faith will be backed up by a few prayers.

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