Who are you?


Mar 16, 2006
If you could play part in pratchett's stories... who would you like to be? Pic a character or, if you prefer, imagine a new one, and let the world know ;)
... :rolleyes: ... If I could chose, I'd just love to be the Lady!
Being the only person to beat Fate... just imagine the possibilities... In addition, I'd finally get to know her real name. As it isn't allowed to call the Lady by her name, it isn't mentioned in any of the discworld novels, and I'm just to curious ;)

so... who are you?
Actually, I worked this out some time back; I'm Modo, dwarf gardener at Unseen University, always on the edge of great happenings, never quite involved. To the point where the only other regular Pratchett reader I know, at whose place I garden (my flat might manage mustard & cress) calls me "lawn ornament", gives me total responsability for the compost heap, and has bought a chinese cooking implement simply so he can get his Modo wokking:p
(ducks rapidly behind convenient tower of art)

Plus, of course, I'd be the only character to have a 100% attendance record. :D
Nanny Ogg, anyday of the week. just not quite so old! I got into the Discworld books years ago after I was cast as Nanny in a school play (maskerade) + I know I'm bias, but she kicks ass (with her big red boots).

sings:You can bugger a bear,
if you do it with care,
In winter when he's asleep in his layer,
But weather you do it in spring or in fall,
The hedgehog can never be buggered at all
well, its not really the hedgehog song, as there isn't one (pratchett never wrote the whole thing, just the last couple of lines) but its one my friend emailed me recently, think she found it online somewhere. though i have just noticed the word 'fall,' very dissapointing as Nanny is not american. she'd say spring (and follow up with a comment about rabbits)
Athough the version I favour starts "in the progress of syphilisation,
From the anthropoid ape down to man" and continues with techniques by which penetration of this small mammal may be rendered possible, if not comfortable, http://www.lspace.org/fandom/songs/hedgehog-song.html gives you a relatively conventional version. (I believe there are a couple more versions on L-space, too);)
sanityassassin said:
plus there is 8 seasons on the discworld as opposed to 4 here
Sorry to be Mr. Pedantic, but surely there are actually 7+1 seasons on the Discworld. :D
polymath said:
OK, bagsy I'm the Librarian. In real life I'd be quite happy to be a librarian, and the idea of getting my hands on all those magic books is most appealing.

Can I be the Librarian too. With an avatar like mine I don't think I'd have a choice.
i think i would be me but failing that i would be nobby nobs but only to see if i was as bad as i would imagine i would be .
If you really want to be Nobby Nobbs, I would suggest that you look for professional help, and sooner rather than later! ;)