What is the hardest game you ever played?

kyektulu said:
I think the hardest game I have ever played is something along the line of Resident Evil when I was a teenager.
Just the anticipation of meeting the zombies, them feasting on me and the eerie music got me on edge...

I think I have just about concoured this fear now.
Try the silent hill series :D
Saranalos said:
I was stuck on a thief level, but I quickly learned that if you run fast enough and hit anything in your way with a sword, you'll probably get through.

There is only three games I've never completed, and they are Morrowind, Theif, and Beyond Good and Evil. Theif because I got too scared. Morrowind because I didn't want to end it. And Beyond Good and Evil because the end boss is so hard.

I'm glad that i'm not the only one who got extremely freaked out by Thief.
Chess against computer? :)
Nha, I think it was Gothic 2. Darn, everyone says its an easy game, but it's just depressing. I'm walking in the forest, and suddenly an orc comes and kills me. ARR!
'the lost world' on playstation x.
Spend days of playing certain levels together with a friend (who's entered enough playstation tournaments to prove his worth) just to fail.
Seth God Of Chaos said:
Starcraft, set on hardest difficulty, VS only zerg, when you're protoss, 8 teams, AND I DID IT.
Can you set difficulty levels in Starcraft? Anyway, I agree it's a hard game. Never completed the Zerg campaign in Broodwar.

As for the hardest game, I just have to say Rayman 3. It was a rather unlikeable game (in stark difference to Rayman 2), and some of the bosses were just too much.

Frozeninja said:
I'm glad that i'm not the only one who got extremely freaked out by Thief.
I think there are quite a lot of us around the world.

Return to the Cathedral... I say no more :eek:
Starcraft, set on hardest difficulty, VS only zerg, when you're protoss, 8 teams, AND I DID IT.
wow nice. Ofcourse with zealots and some micro, those initial zerglings have no chance. But towards the end? How did you do it? Carriers and photon canons?
Dunno maybe Alundra on the psx. Some of the puzzles were crazy. Or tomb raider 3 in the jungle levels where you have to find a green corridor in amongst all the green, that did my head in. Another world on the amiga, it was virtually impossible.
The hardest thing, gamewise, that I have ever done is to defeat Xaero on Nightmare mode in Quake 3 Arena, single player.
36 hours of gaming, but I got him!
I did all the levels on nightmare, and then after that when I went online for the first time (as a "noob") People complained that I was a cheater :p
The hardest thing, gamewise, that I have ever done is to defeat Xaero on Nightmare mode in Quake 3 Arena, single player.
Never counted my gaming hours, but count me in on this one:p .
You did the phobos level on nightmare:eek: , he's my black beast (hate it when your enemy has haste and the only direct weapons you got are shotgun and machine gun).
I have heard that anarky on nightmare on the same level as Xaero is just a little better. Is this true? And might it be because his figure is slightly smaller and because you can actually railgun between his legs?
Phobos was very very difficult. I didn't have as much trouble with anarki once i got hold of the rocket launcher, railgun, and armor. The height advantage won me that game.
I actually had a v hard time on nightmare, on the level with orb and minx and someone else (its been ages now since i played it).
Xaero I eventually won by memorizing spawn patterns, using my hearing as much as my sight, and taking advantage of the BFG squishy thing.

The best way to defeat 99.99% accuracy opponents with railguns is to use the rocketlauncher and prediction tactics. They're also distracted for 1/4 second after they land from a jump pad.

I count myself as a skilled player, but there are still people out there who get a 10:1 kill ratio in a 1 on 1 vs me. Some people are just insanely talented at these games.
Around 75% of all the Spectrum games! They were just crazy! Herbert's Dummy Run was simply impossible...
The hardest game I've ever played---Castlevania, NES version. I could not figure that darn thing out for days. I finally gave up and watched my brother beat it. Little brat.

Oh, and any racing game, but I only play those when I want every guy in the house to laugh at me.
scalem X said:
It helps to brake before the curves rather than in the curves.:p
Well, I really just like to run into things. Im sure if I wanted to practice at it, I could, but I always over correct and over turn, so I gave up. Now when I race the kids, I just run into them a lot. But its all right, because I get to drive IRL and they don't. HA HA HA

Oh, and another hard game for me is WWF/WWE wrestling games, for some reason. Im so busy laughing at grown men in tights I can't even play.


Reversi and Quebert are hard games for me.
The hardest game I ever played was Ultima 6 it took me nearly 3 months real time to solve the whole thing and I never really expected such an epic game when I bought it.

Of course when I bought Ultima 7 The Black Gate and Ultima 7 Part 2 Serpent Isle I realized just how small a game Ultima 6 really was :D

All three were really good and somewhat difficult to solve RPG's, very enjoyable!
Forbidden Siren on the PS2. I never did get to finish that game.
Monkey Island 2, before I figured out the wonderful world of walkthrus and faqs.

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