Petyr Theory


Rowesdower saves us
Apr 19, 2006
Okay I just had a whacky idea and it goes a little like this. It seems to me that Petyr may be a Targ loyalist(more or less). He is the one who had Lysa poison Jon Arryn(which was the catalyst to, well, everything) and it also seems to me that he has had his hands in just about everything else that has been happening. He also is a very prominent player in the "game of thrones". So maybe he is sowing chaos, weakening the realm, and making a takeover by Dany all the more likely. The problem with this is that it doesn't seem to fit Petyr. He seems more interested in self advancement than anything. So maybe he is doing it to latch on to Dany and raise his own influence even further. Maybe he'll be her Hand. So thats my little half baked theory, it is a little late and I may not be thinking well and just blowing smoke out of my backside. Tell me what you think.
I don't really think that Petyr has had or will have anything to do with Dany.I see in Petyr's future a short drop with a sudden stop. Martin's gonna have to kill of some more players and it is time that one of the master puppeters bites the big one.Can't see it being Varys, as he is to valuable to the whole story.Certainly not Tyrion. So logic points to Petyr, he is juggling far to many mushy bannanas to not have one squish in his hands. Just my two coppers.:)
I really don't see Varys being any more integral to the story than Petyr.

That being said I also have a hard time seeing him associated with Dany. He's already constructed a rather high place for himself within the existing political structure.

While instability can breed opportunity, chaos leads to the unknown.
Boaz said:
Where are Littlefinger's ultimate loyalties? Not with the Baratheons, the Arryns, nor the Lannisters.

The Baelishes claim to nobility only goes back a few generations, iirc. Who raised them to nobility? Either the Arryns or the Targaryens. We know that Petyr murderd Jon and Lysa Arryn and now holds their son.

The Baelishes were dirt poor with no connections, how was it that Petyr was fostered with Hoster Tully, one of the great lords of the realm? Either the Arryns, Baelishes, or Targaryens arranged it. It seems to me that the Targaryens raised the Tullys from average nobility to one of the seven great houses.

When Petyr fell in love with Catelyn, who prevented him from courting her? The Starks. The Targaryens killed Rickard, Brandon, and Lyanna Stark... no doubt this pleased Littlefinger.

We now know that Lord Baelish 1) got rid of Jon Arryn, 2) attempted to frame Tyrion Lannister for the attempted murder of Bran Stark, 3) tried to prevent Robert from having Danaerys Targaryen assassinated, 4) permitted, if not assisted in the death of Robert Baratheon, 5) betrayed Ned Stark, 6) worked against Stannis' and Renly's attempts to gain the throne, 7) sold out Joffrey to the Tyrells, 8) kidnapped Sansa Stark, the heir to Winterfell, 9) stole custody of The Vale, and 10) is working on the downfall of Cersei Lannister.

Why is he doing all of this? He hates the Starks, he's betrayed the Arryns, he's denied the Baratheons, he's betrayed the Lannisters, he's betrayed the Tullys, he's done nothing for or against the Martells and Greyjoys, he's assisted the Tyrells (I'm sure for an unnamed price), and yet he's helped the Targaryens for free.

Could Littlefinger secretly be a Targaryen loyalist or is he doing all this for himself?

The two most clever councillors to the realm are/were Littlfinger and Varys. Each publicly and privately admitted to despising the other. But I assume the Varys is dedicated to the return of House Targaryen, so perhaps the two sneakiest members of the Small Council were actually in alliance.

Perhaps Littlefinger is doing all this for himself. If he assists Dany in her return, he'll expect rewards. If Dany is still unmarried, she'd need to take a husband from among her subjects to help insure their loyalty. The Lord of Harrenhal and the (adoptive) father of the Lord of the Vale might be a match for the queen... if she married a son of one of the great houses, then the others would be very jealous and suspicious.
Quoting myself might be the height of arrogance... but I've been there before.

Btw, this was taken from the "Littlefinger" thread.
Thanks Boaz! I feel a little more justified now. Your synapsis of the situation had a bit more thought into it as well. :)
TS, I don't know if I was trying to convince you guys or myself! I kinda like it, but it is an awful lot of coincidence and conjecture.

Btw, I figure if I come up with enough crazy theories, I'll get one right.
Actually, I'd say there were equal. However, Littlefinger's goals and actions seem completely related to the Seven Kingdoms (we haven't yet seen any evidence of him having dealings outside Westeros), whilst Varys' schemes seem more wide-ranging and ambitious. Varys has also likely been playing a very long game, whilst Littlefinger's is more short-term but also more flexible (Varys' plans keep being dealt curveballs, mainly by Dany, whilst Littlefinger has adjusted rapidly to changing circumstances and come out on top).
Hmmm...I still don't agree. Varys dioesn't seem to appear as much, or be of very much importance, and there seems to be no game whatsoever except to know everything and be smug about it. Petyr has a storyline, and an important storyline, and is cleverer than most people in the entire books. Plus, he says one of my favourite lines. :D
Some good points Boaz - somehow I manage to overlook many of the intricacies in ASoFaI - but the idea that Petyr could be serving a Targaryens makes a lot of sense. Thanks for raising the question, TomServo. :)
Queen Cersei said:
Hmmm...I still don't agree. Varys dioesn't seem to appear as much, or be of very much importance, and there seems to be no game whatsoever except to know everything and be smug about it. Petyr has a storyline, and an important storyline, and is cleverer than most people in the entire books. Plus, he says one of my favourite lines. :D

So, you haven't read A Feast for Crows then? Varys' plans become rather clearer and of critical importance for the future direction of Westeros from that book.
Queen Cersei said:
Hmmm...I still don't agree. Varys dioesn't seem to appear as much, or be of very much importance, and there seems to be no game whatsoever except to know everything and be smug about it. Petyr has a storyline, and an important storyline, and is cleverer than most people in the entire books. Plus, he says one of my favourite lines. :D

I think it's not how many lines or POV's a character may have in the series, it's his overall impact. So far, while Littlefinger is playing a good game and certainly has ambition, he has not really engineered much outside of the Vale. On the other hand, Varys is playing a long game,, as mentioned by someone else and I do believe with his backing of Dany, he will have the last laugh.
First off, Petyr is the Man!


VERY interesting idea TomServo...

I've been considering Petyr's motives for a while. I think it's definately part ambition, but most dominant is his feelings of spite, or vengeance.

To me his actions suggest he want's to get even not just with the Starks, not just with the Tullys, but with all the great houses in general. Basically he hates anyone who would think of him as a lesser noble (which is most nobles) as his lower station was the cause of his original grief. He wants to get even with them by beating them at their own game, that's obvious. But what's the prize that he's after? That's the question. He's definately after something (I wonder if GW has decided what he's after).

He could get even by supporting the Targ's, but it wouldn't be out of any sense of loyalty. Petyr doesn't show any loyalty. So that question is still Why.

I don't know. I'll be looking for this in future books (if GM ever finishes any more books).
Petyr cares for no one but petyr, he servers for no one but petyr. He is serving his owns ends, for his own gain, and his selfish plotting will be the end of him, and possibly westeros as well.
Dolorous Edd said:
Petyr cares for no one but petyr, he servers for no one but petyr. He is serving his owns ends, for his own gain, and his selfish plotting will be the end of him, and possibly westeros as well.

ture but know how GM writes anything could happen. we've seen minor charecters become of all importance before. GM to put it frankly is the master of plotlines.

btw, petyr has loalty to one person. caitlyn. he loves her but love in these books get in the way of all the major players. as has been said before "when you play the game of thrones you either win or die" so he's just taking precautions to ensure he doesn't get the death part of the game.
Petyr thinks Caitlyn is dead, and doesn't know about Stoneheart. This has probably made him even more angry and bitter, ready for revenge. Dany sounds like a good way to go, but he has no loyalty.
Actually, by betraying Ned he even betrayed Cat, because he promised he would take care of him for her. Does anyone remember that?
Anyway, he chose to play the game. This isn't self defence we're talking here, he's every bit as cold-blooded as Cersei. Maybe more so.
One way that'll be clear is if he puts the moves on Sansa. If he does this then he can make a claim to winterfell. If he sets her up with that other guy, forget the name, then maybe he is being loyal to caitlyn in his own way. We'll see.

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