I have just finished Abercrombie's The Blade Itself which I am pleased to say did not disappoint, as so many fantasy authors I have been trying out recently have. I found he built his characters well though a little bit overboard and cartoon'ish. They were each extreme examples of whatever character type they were. His barbarian is the ultimate rough, tough, simple but thoughtful barbarian. His self-centred, noble fop is noble fop personified. Also his characters' mood swings seemed to go to the extremes as well; just that bit too angy, depressed, hysterical etc.. He repeats himself rather a lot I get it already, Glotka does not like stairs! He also makes some of the classic fanatasy errors in his fighting scenes with armour cleaved and heads and limbs severed by single sword blows.
Finally, and probably my biggest criticism, it didn't really have a significant central plot. Just a whole load of sub plots bringing the major characters together or into play. At the end of the book I sort of feel like all that has been achieved is setting the scene for the next book. I don't actually have a huge problem with that as I enjoy long drawn out plots across multiple books but looking back at the book I can't really answer the question "what was that all about?"
That all sounds heavily critical; as though I didn't like the book, but I did, in fact, thoroughly enjoy it. His writing style is easy and enjoyable to read. The action is fast paced and engrossing, at least once the book had got fully going maybe one third in. I am left looking forward to the next book rather than dreading it!