Favorite Episode from Season 1


Weel Ep 2, The Enemy Within, had to be done. Had to see what was going to happen with Kawalsky. Ep3, Emancipation, not very memorable except I'm told the guys really loved Carter in that blue dress. <G>

The Woolfden: http://www.woolfden.net

The enemy within was essential to get to know what a goa'uld really was.
Emancipation - yeah not brilliant, blue dress, never noticed.

Chris Padfield, administrator for TalkStargate.com
http://www.talkstargate.com/ - Talk Stargate till your heart's content!

I guessed you miss the sarcasm, i don't know, i thought i spoke it in a way that made it obvious
Chris Padfield, administrator for TalkStargate.com
http://www.talkstargate.com/ - Talk Stargate till your heart's content!

I liked Solitudes,the frustration of Sam/Daniel,the stiff upper lip of Jack,the pain,the angst heck all of it.It was nice not having a SuperSam for a change.
'I'll regret dying' what a line.
It's hard to pick only one episode. Probably Torment of Tantalus. Hmm, I love them all, especially Jack-centered episodes. There're only two episodes I don't like so much: Emancipation and Politics.
And I like the dialog between Jack an his clone, especially the double "For crying out loud" in Tin Man and also the final scene of this episode - the final farewell, when clones of SG-1 team know that there's no way home.
Emancipation and Politics good choices for worst eps.

I also loved Tin Man really hope we meet the replicants again some time.
I just can single one episode out that I love the best. So will go for the arc...TBFTGOG, Politics (groan), Into the Serpents Grasp and The Serpents Lair...yes, I know but loved Tin Man and my real guilty pleasure is HATHOR...Rambo Frazier just cracks me up... but the show is so ... definately a guilty pleasure.
The NOX is my favourite episode!!!!!
Pulling in a close 2nd is Enigma or Tinman or There But for .... or even Bloodlines!
Darn it had to rerun S1 again just to make sure I made the right choice(shame that).Solitudes is still my fav,but then again.....
Originally posted by Sean3w
anyone like Hathor ep?

Hathor is one of my favourites. I love the "introducing" scene at the beginning.
"Ma'am I'm General Hammond, U.S. Air Force."
"And you are?"
"We are Hathor. You would be wise to unbind us and kneel before your goddess."

And those Jack's sarcastic remarks. :)

Kiddo, I believe that it is you and i on this. Hathor is my guilty pleasure. But My fav is still the four in the arc. THFTGOG, P(Groan), Within, and Lair) Get three of my faves in there including the season 2 opener. Hathor was so bad it was good. Some great lines, women and the T-Man kicking butt, and a fun villian.

Hey, Vera!

You are up this late also! you got your post in just before mine! Loved that introduction seen. "Let me kiss your hand to grant you fertility and long life." Hat to Ham.

"Can't pass that up sir" Jack's comment! and of course the Sex, drugs and rock and roll!

Definately a guilty pleasure trip!

[Edited by jsc on 09-24-2000 at 10:59 PM]
Ayeah. And lets not forget the "libidinous" lines, or Rambo Frazier, or sam's line to Teal'c about being a male when he joins the women. As I said cliched but well acted and funny...my guilty pleasure.
A word from a female under 20. I can see why people could like Hathor, but me? I shudder!
I absolutly detest the meaning (not sure if 'implications' would work) of what it is she uses Jack and Daniel for.
Sorry, but this comes almost as close as series 2's 'Need' on my idea of practically un-watchable.
Perhaps it is beacuse I have this need to feel that men are lead abound by their eurethia housing that makes me love the show so much as a guilty pleasure that and Rambo Fraiser!
To answer the original question, my faves include
'There but for...'
'Children of the Gods'
'Torment of Tantalus'/'Cold Lazarus'
The last two make a particularly good pair on video, I think. 'Grace of God' is good, though I don't know why, and 'COTG' is just a brilliant pilot. I really couldn't stop watching it, even when I had no idea what programme it was then.
I really like COTG. Its a great episode. Watched it loads of times. I also like Thors Hammer as I think the Unas is cool.

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