Of course I love Terry Pratchett. I generally read to amuse myself, not necessarily to learn (although quite often I've found that the more I enjoyed a story, the more I learned - history writers ought to take notes). Pratchett's Discworld novels are a wonderful conglomeration of bits and pieces of our real world, satirized and placed among the workings of an interesting, magical, and downright silly world of wizards, sentient luggage, contrite gods, cantankerous witches, legends, warriors, cowards, political intrigues and a great big heaping pile of common people who just want to sit in the laboratories and solve the mysteries of naval lint in peace...
Not only is it a clever and humorous escape from our necessarily common daily drudge, but it also shines light (maybe just a pinprick at times) on certain foibles we all have or have seen in action.
If a book can make me laugh, shake my head, think and still make me want to read more, I'm all for it. Huzzahs for the Discworld.
I also find that quite a few literature snobs (you know who you are
) don't think that books that are funny are of any worth at all. Balderdash I say. Rubbish. Won't believe it. Can't make me. Even if you force me to drink (or eat rather
) from the Ankh.