1.01: Children of The Gods


System Lord of ASciFi.com
Jul 21, 2000

Well, to start off the Season 1 posts, I thought I might as well start from the beginning - Children Of The Gods. My favourite scene in the entire episode would have to be the first briefing before they go to Abydos. Despite the fact it had my two favourite characters in it (Majors Kawalsky and Ferretti), the interaction between Sam and Jack was brilliant. I loved the way that Sam showed Jack that she wasn't going to be just your typical scientist. From the first whole "Doctor/Captain" thing right through to the arm wrestling challenge - I *loved* it.
What about everyone else? What were your favourite scenes?

Hammer - DANIELite, JACKette, TEAL'Conian, KAWler, FERling and GM of the Stargate Command RPG
"Didn't I order you to get a life?" -- Jack O'Neill, The Other Side ¦ "Greetings from Earth, Doctor Jackson" Louis Ferretti, Children Of The Gods

I've got two scenes from the show that I like a lot. The first is when Hammond shows Jack the corpse of the dead Jaffa and tells him that they were carrying some sort of weapon and that they haven't been able to figure out how to use it. Jack takes it and flips it around and activates it. Hammond says something like "Seen one before, I take it."
The second would be the second briefing when Hammond begins hit litany about the starting of the SGC and the formation of the teams.

I guess another scene that sticks out is when they are all in the prison in Chulak and Jack turns to Teal'c and says "I can help these people."


The Woolfden: http://www.woolfden.net

Yeah and "many have said that before" and you are thinking ekk... and then "but you are the first one who i think can do it" (something like that anyway).

Yeah and "many have said that before" and you are thinking ekk... and then "but you are the first one who i think can do it" (something like that anyway).
Chris Padfield, administrator for TalkStargate.com
http://www.talkstargate.com/ - Talk Stargate till your heart's content!

Oh yea, gotta love that scene. Lots of shooting there

Well I just love COTG! I love that way Daniel just pops out of the bushes and begins to talk to the priests. And I also like the part where Jack takes Daniel home with him and also at the end when Daniel tells Jack that Sha're is still out there. Okay, I basiicaly love the whole ep! Go figure!
Nikki-- DANIELite, JACKette, TEAL'Conian, KAWler, FERling
Adorer of our Darling Daniel, Jack's Girl..

*Nikki grins*
Yeah I like Danny a whole lot but I tell ya, Jack is the one that really does it for me! All of his sarcastic comments, his dark brown eyes, What's not to love?!
But getting back to the topic, I was surprised also that the wall came tumbling down with just 2 staff blasts, but they were running out of time before their GDO's were locked out so they had to leave when they did!

Nikki-- DANIELite, JACKette, TEAL'Conian, KAWler, FERling
Adorer of our Darling Daniel, Jack's Girl..

Well that is true enough I suppose! <g>
Nikki-- DANIELite, JACKette, TEAL'Conian, KAWler, FERling
Adorer of our Darling Daniel, Jack's Girl..

You would think that in times past when the jaffa has killed the people in there with staff weapons that they may miss once in a while and knock the walls down, but hey :)
Chris Padfield, administrator for TalkStargate.com
http://www.talkstargate.com/ - Talk Stargate till your heart's content!

Hehehe! Well you know that all of the Jaffa are expert marksmen don't you?? <g> They have never missed before so they had no idea that just 2 little blasts would take out the wall! (hehehe!)
Nikki-- DANIELite, JACKette, TEAL'Conian, KAWler, FERling
Adorer of our Darling Daniel, Jack's Girl..

the only time they ever miss is when they are shooting at sg-1. I guess that means if teal'c did not join them, when they tried to shoot at jack or sam, they would miss and knock the wall down and everyone could then escape. Cool hey :)
Chris Padfield, administrator for TalkStargate.com
http://www.talkstargate.com/ - Talk Stargate till your heart's content!

LOL! No kidding!
Nikki-- DANIELite, JACKette, TEAL'Conian, KAWler, FERling
Adorer of our Darling Daniel, Jack's Girl..

I had to sit and laugh at that whole fight scene. If I was one of those Jaffa, I'd be firing at the guys with the weapons and not at the crowd like they were doing.

The Woolfden: http://www.woolfden.net

it is a little silly really.. i watched it again today (well that clip) in politics. Maybe they hadn't noticed but you they all seem to be listeaning when Jack begins his little speech. You would think they would shoot Jack then :)
Chris Padfield, administrator for TalkStargate.com
http://www.talkstargate.com/ - Talk Stargate till your heart's content!

That's when I would have done my shooting and then to just ignore shooting at Teal'c who has just blasted a hole in one of them. Seemed a little strange to me.
But hey, it gave us one really climactic scene with Jack.


The Woolfden: http://www.woolfden.net

That is all they have, silly silly silly. If all the people there just ran at the Jaffa the shere numbers would overpower them anyway.
Chris Padfield, administrator for TalkStargate.com
http://www.talkstargate.com/ - Talk Stargate till your heart's content!

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