That has always been one of my favourite "how did they do that" questions, alongside how did Daniel dial home from Abydos in the film?
[And, in fact, since (at the begining the film) it was the first time they had managed a wormhole, why were they sure it was one-way?
My personal thoughts (for the COTG part of the question) are:
a) a DHD-like property in Apophis's hand-device, (my personal favourite), that has not really been used since, and either:
i) is "hard-coded" to always dial Chulak (or Apophis's other selected destination)
ii) does a "last-number-redial" on the last incoming wormhole address
iii) has full DHD properies (like the one in "1969")
b) a stand-alone, portable hand-DHD, with one of the above properties
c) they somehow stormed through to the control room, worked out how to control the dialling computer, and recognising the glyphs dialled home using it
d) the writers/SFX missed this
d) none of above