Unfortunate People :-)


I don't know about DVD-ROMS. There was apparently something that came out in the UK called DVD Anywhere. I don't know anything about it though.

The Woolfden: http://www.woolfden.net

My understanding about why they do this Region thing comes from the ratings of the shows and what is considered objectionable in some places, yet in others isn't. Well it probably is objectionable, it's just that some countries have stricter rules regulating it.

The Woolfden: http://www.woolfden.net

The reason that breaking the region encoding is done so often in the UK is because the whole system is just a little bit unfair.
The reason it is done is so that holywood studios can stagger the release of films across the world. We get most films about 4 months or so after you Americans (often even on compeltly UK based films). Thus we get the DVDs 4 months or so later. Is there any reason for doing this? I can't think of one. It is considered unfair here so people just modify dvd players. Soon holywood will have to wake up to it because we can buy the dvd for some films from the USA about the same time they come out on the cinema!

The whole region encoding seems so utterly pointless to me. It mus be against the ideas of free trade stopping one country that produces dvds cheaper from exporting them to another country. Being an economicst (well student!) i like free trade!

Chris Padfield, administrator for TalkStargate.com
http://www.talkstargate.com/ - Talk Stargate till your heart's content!

What I had heard was that it was because of the content thing. I don't know for a fact, because I haven't seen any DVDs released in the UK that I happen to have, but there are supposed to be either cut scenes or additional scenes depending on the content. It's because of what is, again, acceptable to the country in question.
Example: (which has been corrected now) Highlander when originally released in the UK and Europe had scenes in it that were not shown to US audiences because it was thought that US audiences wouldn't accept them. One I remember is when the Kurgen licks the priests hand in the church. That was not shown here (the US) until the special edition director's cut of the movie was released.


The Woolfden: http://www.woolfden.net

What I don't understand is why we in the US can't get anything other than COTG on vidoe *or* DVD...I don't have a DVD player or a DVD drive (yet) but if it is available in the UK and have been for some time I understand, Why don't they release them here? I have missed and misplaced most of my season 1 eps and would love to get my hands on uninterupted versions of the show. The station it come in on is a bit unperdictable as far as signal strenght goes and more often than not, I get a fuzzy picture.
Nikki-- DANIELite, JACKette, TEAL'Conian, KAWler, FERling
Adorer of our Darling Daniel, Jack's Girl..

If you get a dvd drive for your computer and download the applicable multi-region software from the web then you can play the region 1 dvds. You can them order them from the UK. Mythinglink seems to suggest this is illegal but i am not sure which bit of the process is illegal or who would care, just don't order 5 dvds at once!.
We do not have many of the season 1 eps however. In fact the first DVD was a best of season 1 (strange considering it contained politics) and then dvd 2 went straight to series 2. The next dvd out (no 7) contains the last 2 eps from series 2 and 2 eps from series 1. (weird huh!).

I am going to be looking into this whole thing a lot more when i set up http://www.sciencefictionshop.com

Chris Padfield, administrator for TalkStargate.com
http://www.talkstargate.com/ - Talk Stargate till your heart's content!

What I said was that owning or buying a multi-region DVD player is illegal in the States. I'm not sure if it's all the states or just some. To check it out, pop into a Circuit City somewhere and ask if they have them. That's what a friend did and the clerks there thought she was out of her mind. She checked into it and found out about the legalities of it.

The Woolfden: http://www.woolfden.net

Arrrr.. that is true. I remember hearing about ebay removing a company from their listings that was selling multi-region dvds.
Computer dvds work differntly i think though. And old dvd player will play any old region - perhaps it is illegal but so is recording stargate onto video.

Chris Padfield, administrator for TalkStargate.com
http://www.talkstargate.com/ - Talk Stargate till your heart's content!

Ah, but it's only illegal to record on video if you plan on making a profit by it or, as some of us do, make copies for other people to see. It defeats the purpose of advertising and we all know that you must'nt do that. <G>

The Woolfden: http://www.woolfden.net

In England it is illegal to simply record. You are allowed to record the BBC i think in England and some other material that is not regulated however recording sg-1 from sky one is illegal. Of course no one cares but would if you copy it.
It is the same as music. It is illegal to copy a cd to a tape so that you can use it in your car and illegal to copy a cd to mp3 for your computer even if you never intend to distribute it. The law is harsh here so that when they need to prosecute it becomes easier (like the whole episodes that you can download on the internet).

Chris Padfield, administrator for TalkStargate.com
http://www.talkstargate.com/ - Talk Stargate till your heart's content!
I'm pretty sure it's illegal to tape anywhere in the world but not sure....
I wish Australia would show any episode old or new.... it picks out the addicted from the fans i can tell you that
In england i think it is illegal to tape stuff from the tv except certain things often link news and other stuff the BBC pumps out. No one cares of course (not necessarily claiming that makes any difference) but selling they will start to care.
This whole thing pisses me off. I think it is so unfair that MGM will not release all the eps on video/DVD in the U.S. The fact that all eps are available in the UK is so unfair. The regional coding thing with DVD's is infuriating. All I can say is thank god for the ASF sites where we can download the eps and watch them all - but it is so time consuming. Other than that, we just have to tape all the episodes ourselves when they are first-run or repeated. Maybe we should start a campaign and petition MGM to release the eps here in the U.S.
It is completly bizarre i admit, why the would not want to make something that will see well. I wonder if it is something to do with syndication networks not wanting it so they will get visitors.
I s'pose we are doing alright over here in Aus! We have HAD series one available on Video, and series 2 on video is just coming out, the DVD's (We do not know if it's box set or just "the best of" yet) are coming out late NOvemver, the only place that we are disadvantaged is with new episodes!
I just figured out why US can't get it on video. Which is a really unfair reason
that is interesting about the DVDs. I might even get the series 1 eps. Sort of make my collection a bit weird though.
