who do you prefer as daniel? MGS or JS

that is ssssooooooooo true girls cause i know you can't be guys commenting on michel's boddy (or your just ....... well you know what i mean)

[Edited by carter on 09-16-2000 at 11:27 AM]
Well MS isn't a muscle builder on steriods (Thank God!)
But he does have the cutest face!
But I like his body, too! Unfortunately you can hardly see it.
But he's also bodybuilding he once said. They give him too large clothes and often put him next to CJ just to make him look smaller.
Those camos don't help in the figure department but they serve a purpose. And CJ does have the nicest body but anyone next to him would look proportionate except the Arnie type!
I wonder if we will ever get to see whats under those military gear?

The only time I've seen MS's flesh is in some pics of him in an episode in 'Outer Limits' (i think it was in the msoof page). Not much to see there though, no muscles as I hoped, but he still is the cutest.
Haven't seen it yet!
I heard it aroused uncertainties about Tokra loyalty. :eek:
You also get to see some of his build in Out of Mind and Forever In A Day. Beneath the Surface gave a pretty good view of his well-toned arms with the sleeveless tunic. He's apparently been working out. Of course, in that episode I was paying more attention to the delicious eye candy Teal'c was providing. Yum!
I've been watching eps upto half way of season 2 (Ch4) and nearly half of
season 3 (Sky) and some of season 4. :D :)
The whole plot in Stargate is a bit of a muddle with me, but whenever an ep of Stargate is on, I'll be watching it whatever season it is!:D
Most people will probably watch them in order, but ME, I'm different, I'm not most people, so I'll do what I please.
(Didn't mean threatening there, but thats just me!)

I think Michael Shanks and James Spader as just as good as each other, I mean, if you imagine
Shanks in the Stargate movie, it doesnt really fit, and if you imagine Spader in SG-1, that doesnt
fit either, theyre both good, but, if I had to choose, I think Id pick James Spader...

Yeah, you're right! That wouldn't fit, cos we associate the movie with Spader and the series with Shanks!
But I would prefer Michael, not because I think he looks better than JS but also because I like his acting as Dr. Jackson better. It's true that he had much more time to study that character cos JS had only the movie!
That's why I prefer him as Daniel!
Im glad you agree...I was expecting a whole bunch of critisism:)
Its weird though, because I was thinking about MS in the movie, and just could NOT
picture it at all! And I think JS would not go well with SG-1......Oh well! :)

Well, if I had to choose I would say JS would fit more likely in the series than MGS in the movie...I think...man, it's really difficult!
That's why I'm glad with things how they are... :p
Michael Shanks Michael Shanks


i like his hands, his face, his(floppy) hair, his scientist's glasses, and his sneeze!

hee hee
Huh, this body's what my dreams are about! :rolly2:
And I have to agree: Wonderful hands or rather fingers!
Sorry....have to dream a little bit...:D
;) What about those eyes, with :cool: and without :rolleyes: the glasses? :rolly2:
And what about that cute smile?:D
I've just seen 'Hoilday' again and every time DJ is on, there seems to be a smile on him.:p :rolly2: :D
Awww! Ditto! His beautiful eyes, his wonderful smile, his sensitive hands, that ...uh... body, ahhh!
Hey, that man's perfect!!! :rolly2: :rolly2:
PS: Like him with and without his glasses. Sometimes more without 'em!

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