Favourite Scene in "The Matrix"

My favourite scenes have gotta be when Neo and Morpheus fight, and on top of the building when Neo bends over backwards to dodge the bullets - v. cool! :p

As for shippiness, i personally didn't think there was any chemistry between Neo and Trinity. :(
Just watched the original again this morning and agree that there was a lack of chemistry between Trinity and Neo... for a while. Trinity was doing her best to hide the fact that she was even interested in Neo (which may have fooled everyone but Cypher) but when he pulled her up the side of that building after the helicopter crashed, there was no denying it. She even looked at him differently. *sigh* Sorry, but I loved the final kiss. :naughty:
I agree with all of your choices, so I'll mention a scene that I liked that no one's mentioned yet. While Morpheus and Neo are touring the Matrix, Neo spots a beautiful woman in a red dress. When he turns around and turns back, he's looking down the barrel of an agent's gun. Talk about your buzzkill :rolleyes: . But Neo learns an important lesson--pay attention to your surroundings, yes, but also that love kills (yep, unfortunately, that means Trinity).
Tim is gonna have to go with either the Burly brawl, or the fight in the gun check room in the club:D :rolly2:
At our office we actually have a book that has the original storyboard of the first movie in it with like little text explaining how some was kept, changed, or cut out entirely. Really cool insider stuff.
The nightclub scene where Trinity speaks to Neo.

The soundtrack mixes Dragula (Rob Zombie) into Mindfields (The Prodigy) into an alarm clock going mental and it's absolutely seamless.
I really liked seeing the Nebuchanezzar for the first time. I think the best scene was where you saw the sewers of the old city. Quite chilling to consider how far we'd fallen.
The ending where he gets shot and then gets back up then beats the bad guys is my favourite part.
The spoon scene still makes no sense to me. The best fight has to be film 1 with neo vs agent in the subway. They tried to recreate the duel when he fought the program dressed in white but it didn't even get close to the first fight.

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