One should never fear progress, only respect its consequences. Nanomedicine, stem cells and cloning are the future tools of medicine, and we should utilise them to their full extent for the betterment of our species. This has nothing to do with playing God (we have been gods since we lit a fire for the first time); it has everything to do with our advancement as a species.
Cloning, as it stands now, is still in its least advanced stages, and the possibilities once we master this art are endless. As long as we are able to set a international regulations which all scientists are bound by agreement to follow, not banning the process entirely- one can never halt the future. And this is the future.
Michael, you are far too paranoid. There will always be people in power with their own agenda, but I don't see why this should stop us, long-term.
God is an imagined factor, and he always will be. We need to stop hiding behind our beliefs, and pick up the mantle of responsibility for our own species. No one else will.
Robots- Someone read the Butlerian Jihad one too many times. This is not Hollywood, nor is it Frank Herbert's imagination.